The Minotaurs Feast


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A New Beginning

 Wind tugged against Wills clothing and battered his face as he flew down from the sky. He opened his eyes and saw sheer, flat, towering walls honeycombed with caves and tunnels. He hears the fluttering of pages and a book, falling next to him comes into his sight. He screams as he falls against the hard gravely floor. The weird thing was, he felt nothing. He wasn't injured or even had a scratch. He had fallen in the middle of a clearing, surrounded by the monstrous walls. The book falls onto his tummy and pushes all of the air out of him and he had to gasp to get the air back into his lungs. Will managed his breaths and looked towards the book. He whispers and says "why am I here?", "What did I do to become here?" He clears his head and walks towards the book and lifts it up towards his eyes. He reads the book and his heart suddenly drops As he lets go of the book. He forces himself to read the rest and it says, You have been selected to be one of the qualified subjects to play this game called Minotaur feast. It says that every week a teenage boy shall be put in the clearing and shall survive every night the rules are that at least one person shall be picked to go out into the tunnels to survive the night and fight against the one and only Minotaur. The Minotaur was a myth and was known as a half man half beast which protects the end of the maze. will whispered to himself and said "so that means I have to go out every night?"

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First Night In The Tunnels

 Will started to walk out into the tunnels which is pich black with just a sliver of faint light coming from the top corners in the walls. As Will walked He see my footsteps behind starting to form glowingly. "Maybe I can follow that to find my way back" Will hears a loud muffle just like a bull when it sees red. He started to run down the next tunnel He saw and then sprinted down the tunnel. As He ran He feels a rush of anxiety through his body he peers back behind him and sees a large figure really shaped like a half man half bull. He quickly looks back and runs and runs and runs.... He thinks he has lost it and quickly looks back once more and doesn't see the Minotaur. The book also said if you hear a screeching sound that means you have beaten the Minotaur and shall go back to the clearing. He looked down at the floor and saw his footsteps so He slowly caught his breath and walked back to the clearing. The thing that caught his eye was that he say hooves remains glowing on the ground as well. Will walked into a box and tripped over it. He saw it and then opened it. He found a pack of carrot seed and a loaf of bread with a kitchen nife. Will kept walking and whispers and says "what if I really got killed". He eventually went back to the clearing and looked around it for the first time!

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First Night In The Tunnels

When He looked around He noticed a large forest in the north west corner of the clearing and decided to plant his carrot seeds there. He decided to eat half the loaf of bread and watch the carrots grow. He felt like having a restful sleep just before sundown and had a dream aboutit who would be the person in a weeks time falling down through the air and feeling the same way as me. I quickly wake up and hear a wait perusing sound saying 10..9..8..7 Will starts to run as fast as he can through the exit out into the tunnels 5..4..3..2 he slides through the exit and it says 1.. successfully left you may face the Minotaur Will takes a deep breath in and says "here we go again.

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