Quiet She Was


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Chapter 1

     Trinity had always been a good girl. She never dated, never been to parties, and had never traveled. She was graduating from Gold Springs High School in just two months and was really excited about going off to college. She knew that getting away from her mother would make her life much better, even if it was the hardest thing she thought she'd ever have to do.

Trinity's mother had a bad addiction to alcohol and pain killers. Trinity felt like her entire childhood had been taken from her. Countless nights holding her mother up by the toilet, supplying her with water, and cigarettes. Trinity didn't want that life, she didn't want to wonder where her next meal would come from, if she would burn her own home down during the night, or if she'd even make it at all. Everyday living there was like a reality show, except it was her reality that she wanted to change the most. To escape. She felt bad for her mother, but she had had enough emotional trauma in her lifetime. She had decided in the previous year that she had to escape to live differently or else she would end up just like her mother. 

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Chapter 2

 It was Wednesday, trinity hit her alarm. Rubbing her eye she reached for her robe, threw it over her shoulders and headed into the kitchen. Her mother, Tess, sat at the table drinking her coffee from a small mug. "Good morning sunshine." She said. "Good morning momma." Trinity said as she grabbed a similar small mug and nearly filled it to the brim with coffee. Leaving barely enough room for my sweetener. She sat at the kitchen table next to her mother. "Maybe I should bring up the senior pictures now," she thought. That's when her mom said, "Your about to graduate how do you feel to be the only one to make it out of this damn cycle? You actually have a chance at something great here, don't blow it," and at that she got up and went to her room, slamming the door shut behind her. She was right, but Trinity felt like her mother was angry. Maybe she was angry because she knew she'd be alone without Trinity there to help her clean up her messes. The thought did worry Trinity, but she knew she had to leave behind the negative things in her life to start her new path in life, even if it meant her mother. 

Trinity got up from the table, rinsed her mug, sat it in the sink, and walked back to her room. She had to get ready for school.  

Trinity always stayed to herself in social situations, she'd been diagnosed with social phobia, but she didn't let it stop her. At school Trinity had lots of friends. Math club, science club, writing club, you name it Trinity had atleast attempted it. "Hi Trinity," that was Mrs.Tanner, Trinity's first period teacher. "Hi Mrs. Tanner." Trinity replied as she took her seat in the front of the class next to Angel, her best friend. "So how did it go?" Trinity asked Angel. "How did what go?" Asked Angel, obviously oblivious to Trinity's great curiosity. "Your special date, you know, the guy your parents set you up with?" Angel lived a much more lavash life style than Trinity, and Angel didn't know it but her family was Trinity's role models. "Oh that." Said Angel, "it went ok." "Oh my God Angel if you don't give me an answer better than that, you've been so worried about it for months, and now your just going to leave me with a it was ok? I think not. Talk!" " Ok, I actually liked him, but don't tell my parents, deal?" "Deal." Trinity agreed with a smile, she knew it would work out. She just didn't realize how well.

During lunch Trinity sat next to Christy. Christy was a smart, beautiful blond. The most popular girl in school. Her and Trinity had been friends since grade school. "Christy, did you hear about Angel?" "Yep, sure did." She replied, "I knew she was panicking for no reason, a dates a date. Virgins." "Thanks a lot Christy, be a little more straightforward next time, or a little meaner." "Will do, its been my pleasure." Christy always said what was on her mind, you could get mad or even argue, but that would do you no good. "So, are you going to the graduation party?" Asked Christy. "No, you know me, I'll be alone in my pajamas eating something or doing school work." I answered. "Oh wow," said Christy, "you really want to do more work on the final party of high school? Seriously?Are you crazy? I can't let you do that, your coming with me. You can be my date." At that very moment Trinity felt like there was no backing out, Christy would be at her house with arms full of bags. What had she gotten herself into. "Ok." She heard herself say without even realizing it. "Hey guys." It was Angel sitting down at the table. "Hey Angel, I heard about your new guy toy. If you need advice you know who to call." Christy  chimed in before Trinity could even snap back from her panick attack. It was probably a good thing Christy did because it took Trinity a few minutes to recover. "I'm going to my first yet last party." She kept hearing herself say in her head over and over like an old record. "Earth to Trinity!" It was Christy. "What?" Trinity managed to squeak out. "I said your going to the senior party arnt you, tell her, we're going together, like a date, but not gay just, she's going ok?" "Hello Trinity?" "Yeah, I'm, I'm going." She heard herself say again, but this time with a little more confidence behind it. "So Christy, are there going to be drugs and alcohol and stuff at this party?" "Well duh! What do you want? I can hook you up!" Said Christy. "Oh, um no thanks." Said Trinity. That was the last of conversations about the party, but that wasn't the case in Trinity's mind, she couldn't shut it off. She was horrified. After lunch the day continued to drag on. The party was coming up in four weeks, what would she wear?

All day Trinity daydreamed about what she would wear, who'd she see, and what her hair would look like, but something was bothering her deep down. 

The end of the day has come and Trinity climbed up onto her old raggedy bus. "Hi Mr.Penut!" Trinity said. "Oh, heyTrinity, can you tell me how to fix this darn thing?" Mr. Penut had been Trinity's bus driver since she was a small child. He lived in her neighborhood and him and his wife were real nice. Trinity helped Mr.Penut fix his app on his new phone and took a seat. She dreaded going home not knowing what she may come home to. Homework was hard to do at home so Trinity tried to finish it all on the bus ride home. She was the last off the bus since Mr. Penut lived in her neighborhood in Gold Springs. It was a small town full of drug addicts and criminals. On the other side of the track though, that's where Angel lived, in the nice homes. It was time for Angel to get off the bus. Dread pulsed through her as she took the steps down. "Bye Mr.Penut." She said with dread in her voice that apparently only she had noticed. When she walked inside she found her mother asleep on the couch with bottles all over the floor, she quietly tiptoed to her room. She went in, shrugged her book bag off, and layed down on her bed. What a long day. She drifted off.

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Chapter 3

     Time was passing by fast. Trinity's anxiety began to get worse. Everyday it grew closer and closer, and all she wanted to do was get it over with and move on. "Good morning mama." Trinity said "Good morning." Tess mumbled from underneath her blanket. She had been on a drunk binge for weeks now. Trinity was stressed to the max. The party was in one day and Trinity's whole world was about to change. 

Angel walked into class, "so guess what?" She said. Trinity blinked. "I'm going to the party with Noel." Trinity blinked again.  "Well aren't you going to say anything?" "Who is Noel?" Trinity asked. "He's the guy my parents hooked me up with, he's so sweet, were dating now by the way." Said Angel. "Oh wow, I didn't realize you liked him that much, or was still talking to him for that matter." Trinity said surprised. "Yeah, you'll get to meet him don't worry." Said Angel. But that was the problem, Trinity had grew up in the small town of  Gold Springs, she knew all the fellow student body, and she felt comfortable there. Meeting new people, that was a different story. Her anxiety would take her voice away, turning her flesh into a deep red, as she would stutter and fall through her own words. How would she make it on her own? 

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