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Chapter 1

 It was a normal day on the Mother ship. Roxie had to help the warriors and protecters from 10-18, "Ok...Violet, Tiffany and Felicity are gone..." Roxie said to herself and crossed them out then put them on the misson, "Chloetta died...at least thats what we think..." She added and out her on the not sure list and dead list, "first one on the dead list...such a shame...." She thought. She then looked at her video watch..."hmm..." She hummed in interested. "Captain Roxie, the students are ready for training." One of the guards said to her, she nodded, "granted Soldier..." She replied and they walked to the others as all the ladys and men stood in line. "What do we do!" Roxie yelled, "fight!" They all chanted, "what dont we do?!" Roxie yelled again, "give up!!" They all yelled. "We are!!" She chanted and pointed to the right side, "INTER GALACTIC WARRIORS!!" They yelled, "WE ARE!!" Roxie yelled and pointed to the left side, "STONE PROTECTS!!" They yelled together. "Good...who does the Stone Protecters follow?" She asked, "Captain Roxy Mam!!" They yelled..."and who do the Inter Galactic Warriors follow?!" She yelled, "CAPTAIN ROXIE MAM!!" They all yelled, "good work..." She half smiled. Soon it was time for skill training, "Meghan! Watch..." She smiled and grabbed the gun then shot the target right in the middle, "that's how its done...I know your new here so I'll lrt you off." Roxie sighed, "Sorry Mam..." She replied, "its quiet ok...just try your hardest Meghan!" She half smiled and walked off to check on the others..."hmm..." She hummed in interest...she was proud to have them as there students and she was also proud of there progress, she sighed and hoped Felicity, Tiffany and Violet's day where going great as well...before they left she had to remind them that if they need sny help they call her right away! At least...onlyy ig they needed help...and maybe advice. She then smiled slightly and got back to work not knowing what to expect. "TRAINING DESMIST!!" She yelled, "MAM YES MAM!" They all yelled and walked out in there groups they had. Roxie then walked to her room to work, a few minutes later she started to feel wired...like something was present...watching her every move...a chill went up her spine...what was this feeling? Fear? No...it couldn't be...could it? She decided she didnt want to know and walked out closing the door behind her...

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Chapter 2

 Back on Popstar Felicity was walking with Tiffany,Violet and Fumu. They then walked across an abandoned house. "Whats that?" Fumu questioned and pointed at it, "beats me...wanna go check it out?" Felicity smiled, the girls nodded and walked towards it before they got interrupted by a frisky man, "did you want to grt the housr for a few nights?" The man said, Felicity looked st the others and they nodded, "sure I guess..." Felicity replied, the man then nodded and gave her the silver keys in his hand, "take it...but if you die...I will not be held responsible..." The man mysteriously said and walked off, "what do you?" Felivity asked but the man was gone. "Do you think its a good idea to stay there?" Fumu asked, "I guess so..." Felicity replied, "but he sounded pretty scary..." Violet replied very scared and her with her usual shyness. "It'll be fine! We can get the boys to stay to!" Tiffany smiled, "as you wish..." Violet replied shyly. "Sounds like a plan!" Felicity smiled. "Ok!" Fumu smiled, "we better go back and invite them tonight!" Tiffany smiled, "right!" Fumu and Felicity smiled, "yay." Violet shyly smiled. They then walked back on the path covered in leaves back to Kappy Town...it was a long way back but they made it here so they could make it back! It was going to be a long walk...allas it was worth a shot!

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Chapter 3

"Come on!" Tiffany yelled, "nu uh!! No way!!" Tuff yelled, "please?" Violet shyly said, Blade sighed trying to hold the guilt back, Felicity whispered to Tiffany and she nodded, Felicity then walked over to Meta Knight grinned, "there may be a giftt from me from going...well...inless your...chicken...." She said smoothly, the Knight said notha word but blushed rapidly under his silver helmet, Meta Knight and Blade then sighed and walked in. "Come on you two! Its niether here or outside..." Tiffany sighed, "I'd much rather sleep putside than in there!!" Tuff yelled, "we have a volenteer!!" Felicity laughed and Violet and Fumi giggled, "IM GOING! IM GOING!" Tuff yelled and ran in as fast as he could with his suitcase, "I knew he would...." Fumu smiled, "damn straight!" Felicity smiled, "come on Sword! Please?" Tiffany asked nicely, Sword sighed, "ok..." He said and walked in with his suitcase. After they convinced the boys on finally arriving and they set up there beds and checked out the house they settled down, as for Felicity she had things om her mind...when was the next time she would see her boyfriend? Was she in love with Meta Knight? She sighed full of stress and lied on her bed. What was she suppost to do? Its not like she could just snap her fingers and everything would turn out dandy...no...this was reality. She sighed again and rolled over...maybe a wonder around the holiday house would take her mind of things? Or a walk in the woods...wait...not the woods...it was dark...and scary. She then rolled around to look st the white roof above her...she missed earth...yet she couldn't go back...she then had an idea about what to do. She got up and zipped up her brown boots. She then got up and walked outside ghere bedroom, she was going to explore! She smiled slightly looking around the middle room with its wooden walls, she then walked off to look around as her blue and white stripes dress bounced and so did her lonf mud blond hair.

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