One Of You Is In Trouble


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Author note

 Hi. I am really sorry if you don’t like this or if you find it boring. To be honest it is my first real idea I have had. Enjoy. This is for my friends. 

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I went to my locker and almost grabbed my science club stuff. Almost. Instead I grabbed my detention slip and slammed my locker door. Mr Stacie gave me a detention because I arrived late, because of an email he sent me told me to go to a different room than usual. I went to that room and it turns out it was a teacher meeting about lateness. So I went to our original class and I got a detention for being 20 minutes late. I was so annoyed that I stormed out and headed to the library. I realise that wasn’t one of the best things to do, but what choice did I have? So I went to detention and I saw four other people there and guess what, I hated every single one of them!

Sitting there I saw Sophie, Jessica, Francesca and Ruby. Sophie is a really nice infront of adults and is very popular but because of the social pressures she acts mean but I think she is starving herself.  Jessica is short and a bit annoying if you ask me. She is what I call controlling and a bit obsessive. There was an incident a little while ago, Jessica had a crush on a boy named Rueben, and her crush got so bad she started leaving the house extra early just to follow him to school. Francesca is strange, she is a bit withdrawn and doesn’t really talk to anyone actually. Francesca is what I would define as a bookworm except I’ve never seen her read a book yet she knows every weird and random fact you need, but because of this she becomes people’s lacky and ends up doing all the popular people’s homework because she can’t defend herself. Ruby is very musical and an emo. Ruby is very annoying and I don’t think anybody really likes her. She does this thing where she spills people’s secrets because she can’t keep secrets. she prints out people’s secret’s and sticks them to her locker. The teachers aren’t allowed to rip them off of her locker because she isn’t really bullying she is just what they call decorating her locker. 

The last person Ruby slap n’ dashed was my friend Hannah. Hannah had a secret that even I didn’t know about. Hannah’s mum and dad have been arguing  for awhile(that I knew), but what I didn’t know was that Hannah’s dad had gone to prison because he had been beating Hannah and her family. The only reason that  Hannah’s dad got caught is because Hannah called childline at 08001111. From there childline called the police And Hannah’s dad was arrested. After what Ruby did Hannah had to move to a different county and I haven’t heard from her since. 

Ever since Hannah left I have got a new friend. She is really fun and she helps me get by. Rosie is a really good friend to me and when she’s around I forget Hannah. I feel really bad about forgetting about her but I feel like I am don’t have to think about her for the rest of my life, I can miss her and I always will but I don’t have to think about her and never have any other friends again. Rosie tried getting me to skip detention to go meet her mum because after her mum heard so much about me and how I helped Rosie settle in she wanted to meet me. I told Rosie I would meet her mum another time because I couldn’t skip my first and last detention. 

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Imani and I we're getting ready for our P.E lesson and an hour later when we got back half of our clothes were all over the changing room floor. I questioned how somehow some of my uniform had shrunk and grown but it might just have been the fact that I had a headache. So I got dressed and whilst I was in the corridor Mr Stacie called me aside and said “ Sophie I suggest young lady, that you put your normal skirt back on or come see me in detention tomorrow”. I told him I had no idea what he was going on about, and then two minutes later I was in his office being handed a detention slip for a Friday evening, when I should be watching this weird German show I love watching called Auchskwitz the musical. 

The day of my detention I tried leaving school, but Mr Stacie caught me and told me to get back inside or I would get a double detention. So I wondered the corridors and made sure my uniform was correct. Mr Stacie caught up with me and told me to hurry up. 

When I got to detention i saw Francesca,Jessica and Ruby there. As I sat down Amelia walked in. Amelia hates me because I tripped her up one time. Anyway Amelia isn’t such an angel herself we have a history that she won’t let me tell anyone about. Sooner or later though I bet you Ruby will find out. Ruby has a knack for finding out your deepest darkest secrets even when you are the only one that knows them. One time I swear I caught her rummaging in Liam’s bins. Liam is my friend and neighbour. 

Francesca and I used to be really close until we had a massive argument about my school work. My grades were going down and just kept going down. Francesca wanted to help me by tutoring me and since we were best friends, I thought she was doing it because she was my friend. No, she wanted to help me because it counted as an extra cuticular activity. Ever since then Francesca hasn’t really talked to anyone. Her and Jessica keep close together and these girls called Rosa and Iris hang around them, but other than that she really has no proper friends. 

Jessica doesn’t really bother me. She stays out of my way, I don’t know why she does that because she seems alright so if I like her, I won’t be mean to her. I feel like I got to know Jessica we could be friends but as long as she's friends with Francesca she will always avoid me. She will always stay away because Francesca spins these tales of things I did to her like shave her dog and put a rat down her back, but what Jessica doesn’t realise is Francesca is the one who did those to me. 

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