Positive Psychology Explained


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Positive Psychological Interventions (PPIs) are activities that have been shown to increase positivity in individuals. Lab experiments have shown that certain exercises can help develop positive emotions within individuals. PPIs are exercises that need to be carried out for fixed time periods; such ‘interventions’ are essentially changes in routines that provide numerous emotional benefits to an individual, and a longer life?.

A variety of psychological interventions have been developed for facilitating positive emotions, creativity, growth, fulfilment, wellbeing, and other desirable positive consequences in individuals.

These positive psychological interventions are nothing more than minor changes in an individual’s daily routines. How are these PPIs different from other self-help exercises then? The main difference is the fact that these psychological interventions are designed and tested according to scientific reasoning. This does not mean that the same exercises work for everything; the activity and its length vary from individual to individual. The key aspect to these PPIs is the time. For every individual, the time of activity needed is different, and it affects each individual differently.

Scientists have set a five question criteria for determining the right positive psychological intervention for each person:

  • Does it feel natural?
  • Do you value doing it?
  • Do you enjoy the activity?
  • Would you feel bad if you do not engage in the exercise?
  • Are there any factors that motivate you to do the activity?

These questions are rated on a scale of 1 (not at all) to 7 (very much). The ratings are added together to determine the ‘best-fit’ activity and length of activity that fits the tested individual.

Does the questionnaire also tell you the length of time?

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Richard Rigg

Thank you for sharing! Great information!


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