How to Hire the Best Candidates in the Call Center Industry


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How to Hire the Best Candidates in the Call Center Industry

There’s no denying the call center industry is one of the biggest in the world. With a large demand for call center employees there are a lot of active applicants within the industry. FurstPerson provides services that help companies pick the right candidates within the thousands and millions of applicants to choose from.


Using FurstPerson’s digital talent assessment solutions, call center companies can make better employee hiring decisions with the intent of improving log-term productivity. Their call center pre-employment testing assists call center companies in making the best hiring decisions available. The company designs its call center pre-employment testing to evaluate a pool of the thousands or millions of applicants and select the applicants that are the best fit for the open position being filled.

Their contact center assessment identifies and quantifies candidate strengths for the call center agent. The result of the assessment also identifies gaps the candidate may need to improve on for long-term continuous improvement should the call center agent decide to hire the applicant.


Companies can integrate the best call center practices with the help of FurstPerson! Its call center test simulation provides scenarios that test the applicant’s knowledge, skills, and judgement. Their hiring assessment tools and services are customized to meet the needs of a company to find the most ideal candidate for the open position. FurstPerson builds specially designed custom-made assessment tools that include technical tests, simulations, and situational judgments. Each contact center assessment is made to engage and challenge the candidate’s ability to assess situations and react with speed. Candidates can test out the following skills: inbound service and sales, outbound sales, chat, problem-solving, multi-tasking, and many more. With these services, you can see if an applicant can handle different types of calls, while reducing the waiting time for people on hold in the waiting queue.


These evaluations bring measurable results to contact center organizations. Assessment results enable the hiring manager to make the right hiring decisions with data to support their selections. Using the call center test simulation, you can assess the applicant’s ability to learn and apply business procedures, sales, and marketing skills. Not only are these tools used for talent selection, but it is also used for talent development to support long-term continuous improvement.

Call FurstPerson today at 1(888) 626-3412 or visit our site at to learn more about how they can help improve your employee hiring results.

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