The Bitch


Tablo reader up chevron


 It all started on a Thursday I was in my AG class, we were digging gardens and we were in group and with the process of it We were arguing about silly like  

"that's enough Leafs" 

When the bucket was almost half full and we need to full a hole big area  so we were like 

"No, we need more then that"

But no she wanted to prove us wrong. 

And the same with the dirt cause we were doing a no dig garden which means that we dig up half of the garden then we put our layers down then we put all of the dirt that was on one side and put it on top of the layers then do the same to the other side. 

So she like 

"That's enough, you don't have to cover it all over" 

"Yes we do" 

Trying to prove us wrong again so while doing that process the dirt keep coming closer to my foot and she was saying sorry ever time She did it on purpose. So when it hit my foot I got a half a shaveful full and through it at her face then everyone else was like 

"Ohhhh" (like they do when someone does something that was right) Then she got a hand full and through it at me what a absolute Bitch! 

Then miss came over and asked why she had dirt all over her and of course she points at me. Then she got the huffs and when back to school. Meanwhile back at the AG farm miss was talking to us about her and we were saying that she was being a bitch and she started it. 

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 On Wednesday we were in visual arts and she was copying me and I was getting pissed off, then she takes my pencil off one of the tables. But it was my pencil that I that I let krister use. Then she asked do you get called Chinese eyes. (Of causes I don't u would tho because you are a bitch.!) 

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 on Monday we were in AG again and we were in a computer room we wee doing a poster for compost bins and I got up and went to hay my ruber off the floor and as u walked past her she tried to trip me over on it was so obese and I tried to Kick her back ( in a wast it worked but not really) 

Then on the way back to my set so did it again I told the teacher and she just tried to play is all cool like nothing happened. 

Then when we had computer in history she came over to the computer that I was at I asked her to go away she didn't move so I asked again still didn't move then she was trying to pull something out of my computer then she said 

"I am waiting for the teacher"

I said "no your not you are touching my computer"

Then she said " shut up you little SLUT" 

And the room and the teacher went all quiet. Then she when back to her computer and miss was talking to her and she said 

Well she is going to get a kick up the ass at lunch 

"No we don't talk like that Juana 

"Well she should of  thought about throwing dirt in my mouth in the frist place" 

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