My Diverse America


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 I walk outside to get some fresh air. I stop there for a bit and look around. As I look I began to think. All these people are from all over the world. The Phillipenes, Mexica, Russia, and so many more countries. I think to myself, " Isn't amazing how all these people immigrated here.". "How these people came here and we welcomed them. Isn't that amazing."

Then I started to think of ice cream. What would happen if we only had one ice cream flavor! Only chocolate or vanilla! Or even worse... mint chocolate chip! Oh the horror! The. I started to think of thing even more horrific. Only one cake! Only one pair of clothes! Or the worst... one hairstyle! I would probably die if that happened!

After all these horrific thoughts I thought of something else. What If there was only one kind of person here. What if that was a law! Only white people or only black people or only brown people. Would I have to bleach my skin white or darken it to black. And then suddenly I thought of something even more terrible. What if we didn't have any immigrants.

That would be the worst thing in the world. First of all Christopher Columbus wouldn't have came here. Then the Pilgrams wouldn't come. And because there wouldn't have any colonists we wouldn't have colleges or presidents or anything! Even worse! I wouldn't even be here. My parents would immigrate here nor will any of my friends. I wouldn't meet any of my friends or get to eat pizza. I won't have my dogs with me and I would be stuck in my parents home country not able to immigrate to America. All these thoughts put a disgusted face on my face. I just couldn't stop thinking about all the worst case scenarios. I guess I was just the biggest pessimist.

Finally, after thinking about all these thoughts, I started to smile. I started to think of all the good things about immigrants. They bring diversity to our nation. They bring culture to our world. They bring food and clothes and anything good. We shouldn't be thinking about what would happen without immigrants. We should be thinking about how much more we should appreciate our diverse America! Because without our diversity, our America wouldn't come to be. Now, all these thoughts gave me a big huge smile. The one that goes ear to ear.

All my mixed emotions must have caught some attention, because my best friend came up to me and gave me that face that said, " What the heck are you doing?!". I didn't care about her confusion. All I wanted to do was stand and think. So, all I did was close my eyes, smile and mouthed the words, "My diverse America."

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