I tried


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 You said goodbye, you said you don't love me anymore. It hurt me so bad! Letting you go is the hardest thing that I have ever done, setting you free is like killing my self. But I have to, cause that what love means, letting someone free for that is what they needed, or wanted!

Letting you go makes me hopeless, cause I planned everything with you, You is all I needed, you is all I wanted. But its always about you, you you you....

I never heard you say us! For you there was never an us! 

Years, months, days, hours, have passed.... and still I love you just like before, I tried to forget about you, tried to meet someone, I even dated someonee for a year! But I cant fool myself.I thought  dating can help me move on from you, I tried. But its just that I cant forget you, everytime I'm dating someone, I always see your face on them, everytime I hug them I can feel your handa wrapped around me. i tried to fight it... but you is all I wanted. My love I tried to forget you but you is who I love. 

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