Finding the Meaning of Happiness


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Finding the Meaning of Happiness

I looked outside and saw the storm clouds moving in. I knew that if I was going to make my flight, I needed to leave. Traffic was going to be a nightmare. I threw the last of my items in the carry-on bag and checked my list. One long look around my near vacant apartment reminded me I was leaving everything behind. I would have my ex-roommate ship the rest to me when he got back from Texas. He didn't know I was leaving, and I didn't have it in me for goodbyes.

The honk of the taxi reminded me that I was wanted. I grabbed my luggage and the umbrella. As I opened the door, the rain began to fall.

"To the metro, please," I quickly said as I slid in and shook my umbrella off.

He took off and wove in between cars. The train for the airport was due to leave in 20 minutes. We should still make it in time. As soon as we stopped, I grabbed my bag and handed the cabbie a $20.

"Thanks for waiting and rushing me here. Keep the change."

I could tell by the look on his face that he was not used to being given much as a tip. I smiled as he drove off and rushed down the escalator.

"Ma'am, the train to the airport left 3 minutes ago. We tell everyone to be at least 15 minutes early," The ticket officer obviously had a rough night as the attitude slipped out in his voice.

"I know, I was hoping. Darn. Guess I will just call another cab. Thanks."

"Hey, I just missed the train as well. Can we share a cab?"

I turned around to see this 20-something year old guy with a blue streak in his shaggy dirty blond hair, one ear pierced, and wearing a college sweatshirt. You have got to be kidding me.

Apparently, he saw me hesitate, because he added, "I'm just trying to get home to my mom, who is sick, and I only had enough to cover the train. I was just a tad late."

My heart softened, he couldn't be much younger than I was and was dealing with a sick mom.

"Sure, I'm headed that way. I got this one for you." I said with a smile.

As I made the call, he grabbed my luggage to ease the burden. I hadn't had that service since leaving my parent's estate six years ago.

As we waited for the cab, I decided to buy time by striking up a conversation. "So, where are you flying to?"

"Flying in to Kansas City, but then taking the shuttle to a small town called Manhattan."

"Really? I know where that is. My parents live near Colbert Hills. Own land out there. In fact, I am going to look at having a home built on my portion of the land. Small world, right?"

"That's cool. We live in the Dix edition. Parents have a nice home, but I was kicked out at 18. They only called me to let me know mom is real sick and want me to say my goodbyes. I haven't seen her in 10 years though."

We sat for the next 10 minutes in silent waiting for the taxi. Chicago traffic was awful in the rain.

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Ginger Hawkins

This is the furthest I have ever gotten with a story that is in my head. I am behind my goal but stupid happy with where I am at!

Chapter 1

"Jenny, you have a phone call."

"Thanks mom, patch it into the office and I will take it there." I said, walking into my at-home office.

I love my job. I am a travel agent and it allows me to stay at home. It is amazing how many people still travel even though the rest of the economy is struggling. I am good at my job and can get some of the best deals. I live a half mile from my mom on my inherited portion of the family land. The only downside of being so close is mom was always bugging me about being 32 and single.

As soon as I walked out of my office, my mom yells down the hall, "Was that business or personal?"

"Just stop, mom. I am happy with my life. I have no desire to settle down!"

"Really, you are going to leave me without any grandchildren?"

"Alright, I am not getting into this with you. If you wanted to ensure grand babies, you should have had more children. Don't be holding me responsible. Now, do you want dinner here or are we going out?" I stared at her hard with my hands on my hips and began to tap my foot.

Obviously realizing a nerve was struck, my mom softened her tone and in a hushed voice stated, "I'm good with going out."

"Mom, I'm …" sighing, I restarted, "Mom, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so hard. I'm just, I'm just done. I really am."

She knew that I had tried dating and it never worked out. They were all interested in my money and not me. I am not the most gorgeous by any means, but I am definitely not bad looking. I work out daily, but I am a work-a-holic and have no time for games.

When my mom didn't respond, I added, "The call was business anyway. Just this guy who needs to meet about traveling out of the country."

"Do you need to eat here? When is the appointment? We can reschedule the dinner."

"We are meeting at 8, so we have time for dinner. I don't miss family dinner." I was shocked. She always made a stink about making sure I took time for them.

"Alright, if you are sure."

I shook my head and opened the garage door. "Where are we going tonight?"

"Let's ask your dad since we are going to go get him." She responded, almost curtly.

I was thankful that they were willing to stand each other for the weekly meal, especially since I didn't have time to take off two nights a week. Having divorced parents makes life tiring because they compete for their only child. There have been more times than not where I was just ready to say no more.

"Well, mom, you know he is going to want a decision to be made by the time we get there. So, let's just do Olive Garden, k?"

"That sounds good," She said as I was backing down the driveway.

We drove to dad's apartment in silence. Dad lived modestly since the divorce because the split had devastated him. He just let mom get pretty much everything without a fight. I often resented mom for doing that to dad, but kept my mouth shut.

"I'm going to let him know we are here. I'll be right back." I said through the open window on my black Cadillac Escalade.

I knocked gently on my dad's door and was greeted with commentary that I was not expecting.

"Oh crap. It's my ex-wife and daughter's weekly family dinner. I'm sorry, Ann." My dad's voice was muffled and he sounded like he was shuffling around.

"Really? I mean, she is your ex … the bitch. Can't you just cancel?" A very young sounding female voice whined.

"I go for my daughter, and my daughter alone. I will be back in about two hours. Just stay and eat here."

I could hear footsteps coming towards the front door, so I braced myself for the awkward scene. The door opened and my dad greeted me with a smile and a hug. I waved at Ann in the background and took my dad's arm. I felt it best not to talk about what I had overheard.

Dinner was tense, as always, so when the check came, I broke the silence. "I'm going to get the check and then we will close the doors on family night."

Both mom and dad looked at me, as if they had planned on saying something. However, I quickly left to the bathroom after leaving my card in the check envelope.

We drove back to my dad's in silence. I let him walk by himself to the door, knowing that I would feel guilty later. I just didn't care at the moment. After getting back to my house, my mom tried to start a conversation.

"I need to prepare for my business meeting tonight, mom, I really do not want to talk about dinner." I said before she had a chance to start in with the questions.

She left quietly and I went into the office to get logged in. Once I had everything set up, I relaxed on the couch while waiting for the next 30 minutes to pass.

I must have dozed off because I jumped when I heard a knock on the office door. I was startled again when I opened the door and saw the guy I shared a cab with a couple years ago … minus the blue streak in his hair.

"Hi, Chris, come on in. I never got your name in the cab. Let's talk. Am I correct in assuming your mom lost her battle?"

"Yes, although, I am still not sure how I feel about everything yet, I heard you were the best travel agent in the area. I want to move for good."

"Wow. Well, I just ate dinner, but can we talk at a coffee shop? My treat." I really wanted to gauge his emotions. While I am a travel agent, I minored in psychology. I just use that knowledge in finding great travel packages. This time, I am thinking Chris really needed a shoulder.

"Sure, I saw a Starbucks when I was headed this way."

"Now you are speaking my language. I am a Starbucks addict." I said as we walked out of the office exit of the house.

"Should we take two cars?"

"Nah, that seems silly after sharing a cab," I laughed and opened the driver's side door to the Escalade. "Unless, you are suddenly worried about being trapped in a vehicle with me."

He got in and said in awe, "We definitely live in two separate worlds. I would never buy an Escalade if I was living by myself."

I laughed, but didn't feel like I needed to justify my purchase. I loved my Escalade. "What do you do? I mean, obviously you know my occupation."

"Oh, I am doing tech with the Geek Squad at Best Buy. I am kinda techie."

"Really, now, do you only know how to fix things or …?" I said hoping he also did web design and mobile apps.

"Oh, actually, I got a degree in programming and web design before moving down here."

"Really? Now I wonder how old you are. I am sorry if it's nosey." I laughed after it came out of my mouth. I had a bad tendency just to say what was on my mind.

Luckily, he laughed as well, "I look much younger than I really am. I am 31 years old for the next two months."

"Well, it is a shame you are moving because I could totally use you!" I said while parking outside Starbucks.

"I was moving because I can't find work here. I always loved the thought of being in Hawaii or the Bahamas. Somewhere I can work while sitting on the beach. That is why I wanted to talk to you."

"That sounds awesome."

Our conversation was halted while we placed our orders. Latte for me, simple coffee for him. We chose to sit in the back where we wouldn't be disturbed.

"So, tell me how the last two years have been."

"I moved into a trailer in Redbud Estates because I just couldn't handle being around the family that much. However, I read to my mom every night. I didn't realize that when they said sick, it meant she was in a coma state."

"Geez," I exhaled and paused. "Are you renting the trailer or did you purchase it?"

"Oh, yeah, I wasn't sure how long I would be here, so I chose to rent. My lease ends at the end of next month, which is why I need to get this stuff organized now."

"Do you have everything set up? I mean, it can take several weeks to get your passport, especially with the holidays coming up. We also need to check if there are any black outs or vaccinations required."

"Wow, well, that was why I called you." He laughed. "I have never left the country. I had read that it would only take a week, so I never thought otherwise." He sighed.

"How about this, why don't we apply for your passport and any visas you may need. When they come in, we can work on the travel arrangements. I have a large home; you can just stay with me until everything comes in if it isn't until after your lease is up. I would hate to rush into any travel plans until we know what we are up against. It shouldn't be that hard though if you are looking at the Bahamas."

"Um, well, I don't want to impose. I never stay anywhere for free. It makes me feel like I am being pitied."

I smiled and we changed our conversation over to his family drama. We finished our drinks as we chatted, and then headed back to my place to fill out the paperwork. After telling him I would fax it on Monday morning, he shook my hand and left. I slowly shut the door and realized that I wanted to hang out with him again. He made me feel like I had a friend who didn't require me to put on a fake appearance.

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Chapter 2

My parents and I hadn't spoken since Friday night. I didn't want to even see them for a while. I had not had the chance to process my emotions. I knew Friday night was going to be difficult since I am closed. My thoughts were interrupted, thankfully, when the phone rang.

"Hello, McMillian Traveling, Jenny speaking. Where can I help you go today?"

"Hey, it's Chris. How are you?"

"I'm good. I faxed your paperwork in yesterday morning."

"Oh great! Yeah, I was sorta calling to make sure it was sent in; but, I also have a personal question for you."

"Okay, I'm listening." I hoped the anxiety would not come across in my voice because I hated personal questions.

"So, I want to know if you would let me take you out to dinner. I mean, not as a date, but as a thank you. I never got to thank you for footing the cab to the airport." There was definitely a touch of nervousness in his voice.

"Well, I do suddenly have an opening in my schedule on Friday. Would that work for you?"

"Sounds great." I could tell he was relieved with the exhale I heard over the phone. "I will come get you in my truck. You know … if you don't mind traveling with someone else driving." He said in a sarcastic tone.

"Hey, don't knock my control issues! Actually, that is fine. Look forward to seeing you again, even if a thank you is not needed."

I had a smile on my face as I hung up the phone, only to have it ring again and the caller ID informed me that it was my mother.

"Hi, mom. You are calling awfully early this Tuesday morning."

"Jenny, I really want to talk about Friday. I think we need to talk about this."

"Ah, see, I disagree." I said as I moved the receiver to my other ear so I could type while talking. "You obviously don't want to be around dad, and dad needs the ability to move on. So, hopefully, you didn't interrupt my workday just for that." I was tempted to just type randomly on a Word document so it sounded like I was incredibly busy.

"Well, since your Fridays are still open …" She began.

I quickly cut her off, "In fact, I am already booked Friday night," Very thankful that Chris had called first this morning.

"Oh, well, okay then." My mother sounded sad. "I love you."

"Love you too, mom. Talk later." I sighed as I hung up the phone before I caved and set up a date with her. I wasn't ready for that yet.

The rest of the week was fairly normal. Many people were booking Thanksgiving and Christmas travels since it was almost October. There definitely wasn't as many as last year, but it was still a fair amount. However, it did make me realize that I needed to think of plans now because I didn't want to do the holidays with my parents. I know that sounds a little drastic, but I really was over everything. I decided yesterday to renew my passport when I was already faxing Chris' forms. I secretly wished I never left Chicago, and a trip out of the country for a vacation sounded wonderful. I could have just sold my property to my mom and made life easier. She was upset with me for nearly a year because she was hoping I would move in with her and help run a bed and breakfast cabin idea she had been planning. Why she thought I would want to live with her again, I will never know.

Chris called again on Friday, shortly after noon. We settled on Rock-A-Belly Deli at 7pm. I was almost giddy. I hadn't just had a night out for the heck of it since leaving Chicago when I left all my friends behind. It made me remember all the fun whimsical dates my roommate and I had gone on, and then I remembered how devastated he was to come home with a near vacant apartment. A person who has trouble making friends really shouldn't just pick up and leave, it is never good.

There was a knock on the door at 6:50pm and I was still primping. I opened the door and let Chris in. After apologizing, I grabbed the earrings that matched my blouse and grabbed my clutch.

"Okay, so you do know this bar and grill is in Aggieville? Slumming it is fine and acceptable."

I looked at my skinny blue jeans, dress boots, and fitted sleeveless blouse. "Um, these are some of my relaxed clothes."

Chris laughed and said that we needed to go shopping sometime. I still couldn't figure out what was wrong with my clothes. They definitely weren't my business clothes.

"So, you know about my insane family, tell me about yours." Chris said after ordering our drinks.

"Oh gosh. Well, my parents got divorced about eight years ago. I decided to move because it was a messy divorce and I was just done. I came back to claim the land that became mine five years ago because my mom threatened to use it for her desires. I attempted to have family dinners so I didn't have to get out two nights a week. It had worked for a while. I just finally had enough last week. Which is why tonight was free."

"Aren't families fun?" He took a swig of his beer that had just arrived.

I nodded while sipping on my apple martini. "Mildly put, I can't blame you for wanting to run."

The rest of the dinner went great. We chatted about our past lives and what we had missed. When the food finally came, we enjoyed our dinner and debated on dessert. As we got into the truck, we realized that it was definitely too early just to call it a night.

"I'm going to take you to this awesome store." Chris looked at me with a mischievous look on his face. "It's called Target. We are going to get you some downtime clothes, REAL, downtime clothes."

"I know of Target." I said while laughing, "I just prefer to order clothes online."

"You really do not like to get out do you? I am getting you clothes that you can go dancing in."

The horror had to be obvious on my face because my eyes shot open and I stuttered, "Oh.My.Gosh. I do NOT dance."

He laughed and simply said, "I do, and tomorrow I need a friend to go with me because I want to get hammered. I haven't really had fun since moving here, and I have a suspicion that you are suffering the same problem."

We drove to Target and found clothes that seemed to fit me a little too well. It was a touch more country-western than I normally wear, but he assured me that I looked fine. He refused to let me pay since he was the one that insisted on the purchase, and we headed back to my house.

Opening the door, I turned to him, "I had a great night. You're right; this is exactly what I needed. Thanks."

"Yes, it is great to have a friend locally again."

I walked up to my front door with my bags and realized he was waiting for me to get in the house. I smiled as I walked in the door, trying to remember the last time I had laughed and relaxed as I had tonight. I slept great, better than I had in a long time.

Unfortunately, my mother showed up at 8am the next morning, waking me up. "I'm concerned about you. I don't want you falling into a depression. Let's talk."

I rubbed my face since I was still adjusting to the bright sun that met me when I opened the door. It took everything in me not to slam the door in her face. Instead, I took a step back and used my arm to invite her in.

"Why are you still in your pajamas? Don't you usually go on a run in the morning? I didn't expect to wake you."

As I was grabbing some glasses out of the cupboard, I answered. "Normally, yes. I just chose to sleep in this morning." Grabbing the juice from the fridge, I added, "and I am not depressed. I am just done trying to force something that doesn't work. Give me just a moment so I can get through the bathroom. Feel free to get a glass of juice."

When I returned, nothing had been touched. I poured the juice and looked at my mom, waiting for her to continue. I was surprised to see her look at me, cock her head, then head towards the front door shaking her head as if to show I was being ridiculous.

"Mom, seriously?"

She wheeled around and looked at me hard, "You need to decide what you want. It was never our desire to eat dinner together, but we understood your schedule. We got that you never asked for the divorce. However, what are your plans now? To shut us out because our marriage didn't last? I mean, really, am I to expect you will make time for two meals?"

The fury inside at begun to build. "You want to go there? This early in the morning? Really? Because I am more than ready to give you a piece of my mind." I walked towards her and continued, "Mom, you are a selfish bitch. You really are. You wanted the ability to sleep around so you dumped dad and I. I had to come back to claim MY inheritance so you wouldn't just do what you wanted. Now you guilt trip me for working hard to support my lifestyle because I won't give YOU a grandchild. Do you really think I give a rat's ass about eating dinner with you? Get out of my house!"

I saw the tears well up in her eyes, but I was over it. I opened the door and used my arm to show her the way out. Then I called Chris, the only person I knew I could talk to.

"Hey, it's early, I know."

He cut me off, probably because the lump in my throat was causing my voice to quake. "It's no problem, what's up?"

"I just had a fight with my mom." I couldn't continue without sobbing.

"I'll be right over." I heard the phone click and I hung up my receiver slowly.

I hadn't even gotten ready for the day, but I couldn't do anything but collapse into my couch and sob. I always thought that telling my mom how I felt would make me feel better, but I don't feel any better. I almost feel worse. I could hear a vehicle pull up a few minutes later, so I wiped the tears away and made my way to the front door. I opened the door as Chris was coming up the walk. I may get hot at night, but these crisp mornings are a solid reminder that I need to wear more than just running shorts and a tank over my sports bra to bed.

"I'm sorry, I haven't even gotten dressed for the day. I am sure I look a mess with my blood shot eyes and bed head."

"You look fine. Come here, I get it." He put his arms around me and pulled me in. Even though I tried to fight it, I felt the tears begin to fall all over again.

I am not sure how long he held me while I cried. When I finally felt the waves of frustration and sadness fade, I broke the hug. "Thanks, I just needed a friend. You were the only one I have right now that I knew I could call without a lecture. That's probably sad, right?"

We walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. "No, you really are my only friend. Maybe we can just be pathetic together."

I chucked, "Sounds good."

Chris then got up and went into my kitchen. "Have you eaten yet?"

"No, actually, I haven't. My mom woke me and I was just beginning to get juice poured. I slept well after last night so I decided to nix my morning run and stay in bed."

"Well, if you don't mind, I would love to make you a killer omelet."

I nodded, "That would be awesome. Let me start the coffee."

It was so awesome having help in the kitchen again, especially when I don't have to worry about being nagged about having children. Chris and I ate breakfast and talked like we have been friends for years, namely about my insane mother.

A couple hours later, I finally said, "I need to get dressed, which means hitting my workout first. I probably will only be able to work off this great breakfast! Thank you for coming and letting me release. Sorry about all the tears though. What time tonight?"

"I'll be here at 7, and feel free to call whenever. Family sucks, I get it."

He gave me a quick squeeze and left. I took care of the dishes and went into my home gym to get on the treadmill. That was when my phone rang for the third time that morning.

"Hello, dad." I said while putting in my Bluetooth earpiece.

"Heard through the grapevine you unleashed on your mother."

"Yeah, I did. If you are calling to lecture me, I am hanging up. I am getting on the treadmill, so it would be no bother."

"In no way am I going to lecture you. I just called to see how you were doing after the conversation." He said with a touch of concern mixed with amusement in his voice.

"I'm okay. I had a break down, but I called a friend. He came over and we talked for a few hours." I knew as soon as I said the word, "he," I was done for.

"He?" My father asked on cue.

"Yes, he. A guy. A guy who I bumped into two years ago. "Don't even start." He couldn't see me shake my head, but I am sure he heard it in my voice.

"Mhm. Well, I will let you get back to your run. I love you." I could definitely hear the amusement in his voice.

"Love you too." I then decided to turn the tables, and added, "You have a date with Ann tonight?"

He knew then that I had heard the conversation and his tone changed. "Um, yeah," He said in a voice that sounded like an child that had just been caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

"Have a great time." I said with a laugh and hung up the phone.

The rest of the day flew by and it was suddenly time to get dinner. I chose something light because I was still uncomfortable with the outfit that Chris claimed was perfect. I didn't want to be bloated and not be comfortable in my clothes all evening. The joys of being a female.

At seven on the dot, Chris showed up. "Yeah, that outfit totally works for you," He said as I opened the door.

I smiled and simply said, "So, which vehicle are we taking?"

"We are NOT taking a Cadillac to the bar. That would just be asking for trouble. Can you drive my truck? I am planning to drink tonight, not even going to lie."

"Pretty sure I could figure it out; but, I could get my driver to drop us off so we can both drink. I am pretty sure I will need a few drinks to be okay on the dance floor."

He laughed and shook his head, "I should have known you would have a personal driver."

"Men, perks of being rich." I said with a smirk.

I called my driver and told him just to bring the sedan since Chris was right that fancy cars do not belong at bars. We only had to wait ten minutes for him to shop up. Chris was still laughing when we got in, but had no trouble opening the beer that he grabbed from the cooler in the trunk.

I had not ever set foot in a bar, so I was happy to find a small booth. I ordered a rum and coke, while Chris stayed with beer.

"I will wait for you to get a drink or two in you, but I will get you on the dance floor." Chris said as he scooted out of the booth for a line dance.

I quickly commented, "so, I need to drink slowly then."

Chris stopped in his tracks, "Oh hell no. If you do that, we are dancing now. I know this one!" He began to laugh and went out to join in on one of the back lines.

He got me out on the dance floor a couple songs later. I kept track of my drinks because I didn't want a huge headache the next day, and I figured that one of us needed not to be snockered. I switched to water after three drinks, but I was most definitely buzzing. A slow song came on and I was a little nervous staying out on the dance floor. Chris held me, and I felt myself relax and mold into his body. He was just enough taller than me that he could rest his chin on the top of my head. I had relaxed enough actually to be sad when the song ended.

We walked back to the booth because I was starting to feel overwhelmed from all of the noise. "You want to take off and head to my house? We could do a movie and popcorn. I am just a little tired of all of the noise. I really am someone who loves to hang out in the quiet areas."

"I am not going to lie; but, if we go back to your house, I am going to have to stay the night. I am pretty toasted and will probably pass out before the movie is done."

"I have four bedrooms, so I can totally hook you up in the guest room. I am just not ready for the night to end, but the noise is just too much."

"If you are sure you are okay with that, then let's scoot."

I sent my driver a text and we sipped on water, chatting while we waited. It wasn't long before my driver showed up and we made our way out of the bar. We rode home in silence, relishing the peace. When we got to my house, I unlocked the door and looked at Chris.

"What?" He asked and half smiled. He definitely was a little more buzzed than I was.

"Nothing really. Just trying to figure out the last time someone treated me like a person. Even my girlfriends back in Chicago would sometimes give me the feeling they hung with me because I caught the tab."

He laughed and opened the door for me. "My parents may have kicked me out, but they did raise me to have fun and be respectful."

We both got a little more comfortable, kicking off our shoes, but I cheated by slipping into my pajamas. We chose The Hunger Games and relaxed on the couch.

About ten minutes into the movie, I suddenly said, "Crap I forgot the popcorn," And began to rise.

Chris grabbed my waist, causing me to stumble back and fall into his lap. I am blaming the alcohol even though I have a clumsy streak. However, he then added, "I don't need popcorn."

When I turned to look at him, he stole a kiss. I was tipsy and his lips were inviting. We kissed deep and long. He was the one that broke the kiss.

He sucked in his breath, "I am so sorry. I really am looking for a great friendship. That was just … not planned. I really should go before I mess up what we have. I am so sorry."

He called a cab and left ten minutes later, leaving me to sit and process what just happened.

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