

Tablo reader up chevron

to go up you must come down

    There were bodies everywhere. Some of them were still awake, but most were dead asleep. Their chests seemed to rise and fall in harmony. Up, down, up, down.        

    Henry had been counting each chest rise. He counted 9 rises when the receptionist spoke again.

    "Sir?" she interrupted. "The key for room 213." She forced a smile and Henry nodded back.

    Henry took the room key from her hands; "Enjoy your stay," the receptionist said, but Henry was already at the elevator, too far away to hear. 

    Henry tapped the 2 button, expecting it to take him to the second floor.  However, the elevator stood still. Puzzled, Henry pressed again. Nothing. He pressed again, and again, and again and again until he finally gave up. 

    "Million dollar hotel but they can't afford working elevators," he muttered to himself. "Guess I'm taking the stairs." Henry pressed the "Open" button (which to his surprise, worked) and started to walk out when he noticed a girl standing in front of the elevator. She had flowing, long brown hair that stopped at her hips, vibrant blue eyes the color of Neptune and a red dress that looked as if it were made out of a million roses. She wore a  golden, reflective name tag which read Virgil.

    She must be staff, thought Henry, but not one worker I've seen has been dressed as Virgil has.  He had been so captivated by her that he had forgotten to step out the elevator, and the doors closed. "Oh, miss, the elevator isn't working. I must've tried at least 1000 times to get it to budge and it didn't!" The woman smiled, and pressed the button for floor 9, and then something strange happened. 

    The elevator began moving down. 

    It was strange enough the elevator had moved, but even stranger that it was going down. "Huh?" questioned Henry aloud. "Why're we going down when we're on the first floor?"  

    Virgil muttered, "As is above, so is below." Henry hoped that this meant the hotel just had a strange layout. 

    The elevator went from floor 1, to the basement. The elevator's floor-display blinked on the word basement for a little while, before going blank, and all the lights in the elevator shut off. 

    "Oh no," Henry muttered. 

    "Don't worry," reassured Virgil, "as long as your task is completed, He will not see any reason to keep you."

    Now whats SHE on about? Henry wondered. The lights came back on a few seconds later. The elevators display now read "One" and the doors opened. 

    "Remember," began Virgil, "as is above, so is below." And then she stepped out the elevator.

    That's it, thought Henry, I'm taking the stairs. When Henry stepped out of the elevator, he was overcome with the shock at the amount of people roaming the halls. Lost, dazed, confused. They looked as if they hadn't showered for weeks, maybe months. Their clothes were wrinkled, stained and ripped. They all looked homeless. Some sat, head buried in their knees, sobbing. Others banged on doors, asking whoever inside for help. But most of them were walking nowhere--back and forth, one side of the hallway to the other.

    One of the doors was open, however, and it happened to be one of the suites. An ominous red light poured out, spilling onto the floor and splattering on the wall. Henry quickened his pace towards the door, curious to what--or who was inside.

    Peering in, Henry was surprised to see the people in the room. In the small corner of the Living Room that he could see, there was a circle of 6 people surrounding some sort of carving in the hotel floor. They were all dressed in long and hooded black robes. They all held candles and were chanting something in a foreign language. There voices grew progressively louder until they seemed deafening. The strangers roaming the hallway began to cover their ears. Henry quickened his pace to the second floor. He walked up two flights of stairs when he had approached floor 2. Henry breathed a sigh of relief as he stepped into his hallway. 

    He began walking to his room, reading the signs on the door to find his way. And then he heard something--a moan. Henry stopped and pressed his ear to a door to his left, and to his amusement heard a couple having a "very good time." Henry chuckled, but then noticed another moan, and then another, and another and another until Henry realized there were moans full of pleasure coming from every room. Henry tried to laugh, but could not get over the oddness of it. Nonetheless, Henry continued to his room. He had only walked a couple of paces when a door flung open, hitting him right in the nose. He fell backwards onto the blue and gold patterned carpet, his vision blurred as his head smacked the floor. He rubbed the the front of his nose and groaned. Slowly, he sat up. Looking forward, he noticed a small blood-spot on the white door. Henry sighed, and finally pulled himself to stand again. Before he could even move a foot, he noticed the girl. She was sitting on the floor in front of the doorway--completely naked. She shook her head rapidly, "Oh no, please not already. We need more time!" she muttered.

    "What in the..." he began, catching the girls attention. She gasped, and ran back into the room, shutting the door behind her. Henry stood there for a minute, trying to figure out what on earth was happening. And in the middle of his thinking, chaos erupted. Loud banging, followed by screaming, came from each room. as well as the sound of shattering glass. Henry began to run towards his room, he was shaking with fear.  Skidding to a stop in front of his door, he frantically jammed the key in, twisting and turning it until it finally unlocked. Henry swung the door open, and stepped inside. 

    Henry ran his hand against the wall, luckily hitting the light switch. Now that the room was illuminated, Henry could see the little girl sitting on the bed, head in her knees. She looked up and Henry could see that she appeared to be no younger than 8. The girl wore a brown suit and pants that were for someone ten times her size. Henry tried not to look at her.

    "Can you help me?" She asked. "I'm not supposed to be here. I'm too young. Can you help me?"

    A tear formed and ran down Henry's eye. "I'm so sorry," he moped. "I can't help you."

    The girl frowned. "Why not? Is it because you hurt me? You're sorry for yourself. Not me. But you hurt me. You can't even look at me. Fool!"

    Henry turned to face the girl, who was now right in front of him--as if she has teleported. She began to grow in height, until she was taller than Henry.

    "You hurt me," she started, her voice still childlike and innocent, "and I now I'm going to hurt you. You're going to hurt worse than I did." 

    She grabbed Henry's face with her demon-like hands. They were old; skinny and grey, and had long, sharp black nails.

    "I'm so sorry, I couldn't help myself. I'm so sorry, please don't do this to me," pleaded Henry, but the girl didn't listen, and instead ripped Henry's head from his body. 

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