5 Steps How to Play Guitar


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5 Steps How to Play Guitar

Image Link: https://www.pexels.com/photo/fashion-woman-working-girl-34071/

You can become the next Ana Popovic or Jimi Hendrix if you take the time to play guitar. You can train yourself how to play the guitar and even be a professional at it. Your fingers may hurt at the beginning, but it shouldn't be a reason to get discouraged as with daily practice, you'll get better.

Here are some simple steps that'll help you as a beginner to help you in the journey of being a better guitarist. 

1) Get a Guitar and Learn its Features 

The first thing to help you get better with guitaring is buying a guitar. You can buy a second hand one if a new one is too expensive for you. Learn its features and their purposes, and you'll be ready to learn how to play guitar.

Your posture also matters and should be in your first lesson. Sitting or standing upright will help you play the guitar well; otherwise, any other posture will hinder you.

2) Tuning the Guitar

Learning how to tune the guitar is paramount as not doing so will bring out an awful sound. You may not even realize it as you play since you aren't accustomed to it. Every time you start playing, tune it up using a guitar tuner as it'll help you to be fast.

3) Know Notes and Scales

To be a better guitarist learning scales and notes is a must; otherwise, your music won't be inviting. There are charts with scales and notes online if you don't know them by looking at the fretboard. Learn to master the fretboard after knowing the scales and notes as it will help you play musical tunes.

4) Transitioning Smoothly 

As a beginner, you'll find a challenge with some chords, as forming shapes may delay you from reaching them. Training yourself on how to go about the chord shapes will help you transition smoothly. Playing the chords will help you avoid slurring.

5) Don't Neglect Practice 

Being a student is demanding, and if you're learning to play the guitar, you need to include training in your schedule. You can get additional essays about life topics online to help with your assignments. You can get an assignment done for you if you don't get the one you want.

As your assignment is in the right hands, you can go ahead and learn the guitar.

Clear your mind, and don't stress about the homework as you'll get it done before the deadline. Time for practice is necessary as it will help you learn the steps to play instrument.


Being a professional guitarist can pay the bills for you; it only needs you to stay focused on it. As the case is with any other art, playing the guitar also requires determination and practice to perfect it. Taking some time each day as little as ten minutes will see you be a better guitarist. 

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