5 Teaching Tips: Lord Of The Flies


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Teaching Tips: Lord of the Flies

Among the best texts that aim at developing itinerary skills and language in children is William’s Lord of the Flies. This book was written back in 1953 and it is very relevant to date. It discusses several themes that relate to our modern world such as corruption, bullying, conflict based on religion, tribalism and war to name a few.

This novel can be easily read by nine to eleven-year olds. As a teacher you can help your students learn faster by integrating reading, writing and speaking before, during and after reading the book. You will select the best activity to be done by your students depending on the depth of study, students’ abilities and groupings.

Today we are going to discuss some of the best student teaching tips regarding lord of the flies. By learning and using these teaching tips, you’ll be a step ahead of the crowd. Let’s get started!

1.Plan accordingly

You need to take some time to plan what your students are going to do during the lesson. By doing this, you’ll eliminate confusion and wastage of time. Are they going to read it in small groups or the whole class?

Are you going to summarize the book? Will you discuss the different contexts in the book? Your students will understand the text and excel in their studies easily when they are not confused by the teacher.

Some students could be having a hard time understanding the book. You can help them look at this lord of the flies essay topics to ensure that they grasp the themes and flow of the book.

You should encourage your students to seek help whenever they don’t understand something. By using this service, you will help your students generate ideas that will propel them forward.

2.Write summaries

Encouraging your students to write summaries will help them understand and remember the most important aspects of the text. Students who don’t write summaries rarely excel in their studies. Everything that seems complex can be simplified by writing down summaries.

3.Ask questions

Asking your students questions and giving them enough time to answer will help them understand what the text is all about. You need to research on the best questions to ask your students when reading the book to ensure they are walking on the same path as you.

4.Describe the relationships between characters clearly

This text has several characters which can be a bit confusing to understand at first. It’s important to describe the relationships in the book clearly and practically so that your students can understand what the book is all about. You use real-life examples to help your students learn and remember easily.

5.Hold debates and watch videos

It’s important to debate important motions that complement the text. When students debate amongst themselves, they will learn fast because the session will be fun and interesting. It’s also important to watch videos to emphasize important themes such as war and corruption to name a few. You can find the best videos on YouTube for free.



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