The Connection Between Cultural Identity and Learning


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Cultural Identity

What is cultural identity? Culture is defined as a way of living. Cultural identity definition is when an individual practices a particular way of living and becomes one with it.

Learning has never been easy especially for minority students. Cultural identity has great effect on how students perform in school. Teacher have to not only consider the classroom knowledge but also the knowledge and skills that students bring to class.

Cultural identity and learning are not inseparable aspects. Young people will always be exposed to culture regardless of their environment.

They are influenced by the environment in school, at home, the neighborhood and technological devices such as TV and mobile phones. Culture is acquired differently by each and every student. Most teachers wonder how cultural identity which happens outside the school affects learning.

The race of a student affects his or her daily interaction and this in turn affects learning. As a teacher, it is important to know the race of your students to establish a connection that will help them learn easily and quickly.

If students of a particular cultural identity don’t like a specific race, then it will be difficult for him or her to perform well in class taught by a teacher from the respective race.

You need to connect with them by communicating openly and regularly with them. In certain regions such as Papua Guinea, white people are disliked because of their delicate skin and inability to do hard work.

Students who are brought up in this culture see white people as tricksters without a sense of humor. Such beliefs will affect greatly affect learning especially if the teacher is white.

Writing cultural identity essays can be overwhelming at times. It’s important to find more essay samples on cultural identity for you to generate ideas on how to write a wonderful essay.

It’s always important to seek help as early as possible to avoid wastage of time and inconveniences. By using this service, you will have an edge over your fellow students and achieve your academic goals.

How teachers can embrace cultural identity to improve learning

·Know your students – You need to do your best to know your students as soon as possible. Knowing your students’ knowledge, skills and values will help you discover some of the best ways you can use to boost learning. You can create autobiographies of your students or focus on knowing them first before starting to teach.

·Focus on growth – You need to think about growth every time you get into class. There are two types of mindsets. The first one is the fixed mindset which focuses on the fact that people’s intelligence is fixed or static. The second one is the growth mindset which focuses on the fact that the brain grows overtime and so does intelligence. Encouraging your students all the time will foster learning.

·Create meaningful relationships – You need to relate with your students for you to understand them. You need to be aware of your own personality and the knowledge of your students. You need to believe in your students. Engaging with your students will help them enjoy learning.

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