The Difference Between Leadership and Management


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What is the difference between management and leadership? 

Most students use these terms without really understanding the difference. Doing this can lead to poor grades. It’s important especially for students taking business courses to understand these two terminologies.

Today we are going to discuss the difference between leadership and management so that you can stay ahead of the crowd and excel in your studies.

Defining leadership

Leadership can be defined as the act of leading people towards a specific goal. It means being at the front and acting as the guide. Leaders achieve this goal easily by inspiring, motivating and encouraging people to overcome difficulties and pursue the vision.

Defining management

Management can be defined as a process that involves controlling people or things. In most cases, people manage things and not people. People who try to manage other people don’t fare so well.

A manager work is to plan, coordinate activities and assess progress to ensure everything is happening as planned. Managers are systematic. They are always trying to measure how activities are currently performed to improve them in future.

Difference between management and leadership

1. Leadership is about vision, management is about goals

A leader sees a picture of what is possible to achieve in the future and inspires and engages other people to make that vision a reality. In short, leaders see what most people don’t see. They motivate people to be part of something better.

They encourage others to work in teams because they know two heads are better than one. On the other hand, managers are focused on setting goals and continuously measuring them for improvement. They manage situations to achieve their objectives.

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2. Leadership is unique, management is about copying

Leaders have unique visions for their organizations. They work hard to achieve their unique vision and build their brand. They are comfortable being themselves. Just as everyone has his or her own dream, every organization has its own unique vision.

On the other hand, managers copy other successful managers. They are always learning from others to adopt what works. They don’t spend their time defining their brand.

3. Leadership involves taking risks. Management involves controlling risk

Leaders are willing to try out new ways and strategies to realize their vision. They may win or lose miserably. They understand that failing is just as good as winning.

On the other hand, managers do their best to minimize and eliminate risk. They are always avoiding or controlling problems that arise on a daily basis.

4. Leaders think long term, managers think short term

Leaders are in it for the long term. Their vision will not be accomplished in a few weeks or months. The vision is usually very distant therefore, they have to stay active and motivated. Managers are focused on short-term goals. They do what they do to seek acknowledgement.

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