Holy Fuck: How to Have Everything You Desire


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I have no idea how this ride is going to go, so let's have some fun.  Hang on, it might get bumpy and wandery, but it's gonna be a fun ride.  

I'm channeling from Source here.  Or my Higher Self.  Or my Subconscious.  Or maybe I'm just writing a bunch of words that somehow fit together to make meaningful sentences.  Doesn't matter,  It's a good read no matter how you view it.  

This is Holy Fuck, my Holy Book of Words.  It's about the Stories we tell about How the World works, and how we really need to start focusing on the stories we tell ourselves about how the world treats us.

The Big Bad Questions:

Who am I?

Who are you?

Who are we?

What's next?

Figure out the Truth in these Four Questions, and you unlock the Universe.

This is a story that will be under constant revision.  I don't know when/if I'll publish it, but until I do, anything might change at any time.  You're free to follow along.  Share if you like.  I'm writing it as it flows.  And through it, I'm going to show you MY answers for those questions in my twisting wandering way.

Love me or Hate me, this is who I am. 

I am Gwynne Montgomery.  I am Psychic as Fuck.  I am a Word Sorceress.  A Weaver of Words.  I like to tell stories, and some of those stories are about the past, some are about the present, and some are about the future.  And some are Fiction and some are Fact.  And they are all True.  And if you can't understand the Meaning and Power in Metaphor, then you really won't understand me, so you should probably close this book and find a new one.


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Thank you! I'm having fun with it!

T Van Santana

Dude, I totally love your voice! This book is awesome.

It's all about the vibration

I'm going to let you in on some Big Bad Secrets.  These are Keys to the Universe here.  Once you figure these out, the whole Universe is wide open for you.  Of course, it takes a lot of work to unlock those, but knowing is the first step.

Big Bad Secret #1:  It's all about the vibration.

Everything in the Universe is vibrating.  I'm not going to go deep into the Science vs. Woo thing here.  You can find those arguments all over the internet.  But both Science AND Woo tell us that everything vibrates.  

In Scientific terms, this is vibration at the quantum level, with electrons, protons, and neutrons making up atoms.  There's stuff even smaller than that, too.  All of it vibrates.  Every bit of it.  At that level, there is no living or dead.  Even things we'd classify as biologically dead are vibrating at the quantum level.

In Woo terms, this is.... well... honestly, it's pretty much the same damn thing no matter how you phrase it.  Shit vibrates.

You vibrate.  I vibrate.  The words you're reading, whether ink on a page or pixels on a screen are vibrating.  Everything in and around you, into the depths of your body and the depths of space... all of it is vibrating.

The big difference between the Science view and the Woo view?  

Who controls the vibration.

Science says it's the Laws of Physics that control it.

Woo says it's Consciousness that controls it.  Consciousness determines the Meaning of the Universe.

Of course, you get sub-arguments there, as well.  Scientists are continually pushing the boundaries and experimenting to be more precise in defining all those scientific laws.  And on the Woo side?  Well...  The fight gets REAL crazy there.

You get groups that interpret the Meaning of the Universe in a similar manner, and so they band together and form religions.  You have Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Mormonism, Paganism, and so much more.  And within each of those, you have further division, further interpretations.  And some will hold so fiercely to their interpretation of the Meaning of the Universe that they'll start to get angry that anyone else would dare to have a different interpretation.  Because... because... because... there can be only one Meaning.


It's all about the vibration.

Even the Science vs. Woo (or Science vs. Religion if you prefer) argument is silly.  It's all the same.

All of it.  It's all the same.  Science is just one way to describe and measure our Universe.  Religion, mythology, spirituality, poetry, literature, song, dance, art... all of it are just other ways to describe and measure the vibrations of the Universe.

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We control the vibration

As a Collective, all of the Universe controls the Vibration.  The Laws of Physics?  God?  Human consciousness?

Call it what you want.  It's all the same.

You cannot imagine how scary it was the moment that I realized that.  Or maybe you can, because you've already started to wake up and come to that conclusion yourself.

I'd been drifting in that direction for years.  From the Christianity of my childhood to Paganism in various flavors, back to Christianity, back to Paganism, then to Pantheism, then Panentheism, then...


I got it.

It's all the same.

Oh, I am far from the first to propose this.  It's been all over the place for, well, forever.  I can't begin to tell you how many books and articles I've read over the years that said essentially that.

But even those who espoused that view often confined themselves to a certain set of rules, definitions of who they were.  Rituals of religion, measurements of science.  They might understand the idea of Oneness or Unity on a conscious level, and even get it on a gut level, but they still have their preferred flavors.

Me?  I love me some witchy stuff and some crystally stuff and some Tarot stuff.  I'm a Seer, a Priestess, a Sorceress.  I feel a strong call from a deep, primal, nameless goddess who shows up with various faces and titles depending on the message, but regardless, always has that same deep, primal, nameless goddess feel to her for me.  Do I think I'm literally being called by a literal goddess from another realm?

Does it really matter?

It's all about the vibration, and we control the vibration.  All of us, collectively.  Every conscious being in the whole of the Universe.  Maybe we humans are it.  Maybe we're not. Dolphins are pretty damn smart.  So are a few other animals.  Then there's other worlds.  Big Universe we got here.  Physical worlds swinging around compatible Suns with just the right cosmic soup to make life... how many of them are there?  Sure, we haven't found one that we know of... but everyday, scientists are uncovering new ways to analyze the skies, and finding more and more stars that have planets that could have life on them.  And in the Spiritual worlds... Angels, Faeries, Gods, Goddesses, Divas, Spirits... how many names for the Otherworld do we have?

Consciousness defines the Meaning of the Universe.

And that is the only Law.

The Universe works the way it works for one reason, and one reason only.

So that Consciousness can have a playground.

We are all just kids in the playground, figuring out the rules of life as we go.

We form cliques, groups based on what we like and don't like.  "Girls rule, boys drool..."  Geeks and Jocks.  Cheerleaders and Band geeks.  

But it's all just Vibration.

I vibrate the way you vibrate, and so we connect.  And our silly monkey minds try to find the meaning for the connection.  "Oh, you like music, too?  Cool!  Let's make music together!"  And music becomes our way of expressing the connection of our vibrations on the same level.

And so does art.  And religion.  And stories.  And even science.

Although Science is a very special kind of way to measure vibration.  Very mathematical and precise.  But it sometimes spends so much time diving into the numbers that it misses the big picture.  And at other times, it zooms so far out trying to see the big picture, that it totally misses some of the really cool details.  And because Science works only on what can be precisely measured and tested, anything that can't be precisely measured and tested sometimes gets dismissed.

Like Woo stuff.  Religion and spirituality.  Astrology and oracles.  Crystals and energy healing.  

The funny thing?  They're all focused on one thing.  Figuring out what comes next.  

Science does it by trying to measure things so precisely that we can mathematically understand how everything in the entire Universe works.  And if we can figure that out, when it's not working right, such as war or disease or bad weather, we can just do the math and fix the problem.  Or better yet, see the problem before it even exists because our math is so good we can calculate all the probabilities.

Religion does it by trying to define the Next Life.  Whether that's Heaven/Hell, life after death, reincarnation, or whatever depends on the flavour of belief.

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We're looking to the wrong source for answers

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The more you believe, the more you unlock

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Why do we get offended by differing beliefs?

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Vibration has no value, it simply is

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Intention powers the Universe

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Remember, everything has a vibration

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Want your Perfect life? Get specific about what that looks like.

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And then f*ck the How.

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Fuck all the details

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Know Thyself

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