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Chapter 1

 Slowly, I lift my heavy body out of the bath and wiped my face with my wrinkled hands, I stare at the mirror and wrap my diamond blue towel around me, glancing at my face, picturing a 'perfect' person. I instantly click back to reality and bite my lip. 

My name is Summer Lee Jones, well, that's one of their names anyway, and I have Multiple Personality Disorder.

Next thing I know I'm walking around 5th Avenue, New York. I begin my stumbling walk home, the fact that people are rushing all around me makes me feel dizzy. I burst through my front door and immediately lock it, I run to my bathroom as I watch myself turn into Zyna Bernstein, an angry grin spreads across my face and my eyes turn to flames and I seem to be intrigued by my small, chubby face.

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