Black and White


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Chapter 1|The Secret Chamber|

                           "Sir, the surgery was successful and effective until the seventh day when all the tissues died out in an instant..."blurted out a man with a bushy moustache. "Stop make excuses. You know perfectly well that I do not take apologies easily. And answer me, how much money have I spend on the instruments and equipment in total?"said a voice calmly.

                        """Don't lie. You have pissed me off enough already, and I daresay you know what punishment is to come? I am sure you wouldn't want to add on to that."retorted the voice agin. "Thirteen million."whispered the man. "I see..."finished the voice. The quivering man waited and tapped his leg unpatiently, then without warning, the owner of the voice emerged out of the darkness, out of his chair and gave his men infront of his a kick. The kick was as hard as you could imagine, and the poor man flew towards the door, knocking it down with a ear-splitting sound. "Get up, you scrum. Get up and go tell that bunch of useless piece of sh(Whoopsies)ts that I want it done August arrive, or there will five more bodies for the police to collect."barked Jack, obviously the master. "Yes, yes, of course, sir..."whimpered the man. The scrambled up, and sprinted away as fast as his little legs could carry him.

                        Another man rushed into the man with broken door, and shouted,"Sir! Sir! The alliance forces have beoke into The Secret Chamber!""WHAT?!"hissed Jack. "Scor...Scorpian just informed me. He says that he requires backup, and fast!"screamed the man. Jack thought for a while, and replied,"Tell everyone to get armed, and I shall be going to fight them in person."The man gaped at his boss for a second, as if he had just heard something ridiculous. He closed his and sped off, leaving Jack frowning in the room. The Secret Chamber have been the most important one out of all his bases as all their weapons, expensive equipments and many other stuff were stored there.If it was lost...

                          Leo, nicknamed Joker, aged 23, is right now, in fact breaking into a building so-called Secret Chamber. Carrying two greyish heavy 'carbine', he started firing right when he stepped into the chamber packed with arsenal and people defending with all their might. Explosions and screamings echoed through the enormous dark chamber as more and more of his men and entered and fought. Stark grinned. He knew perfectly well that there's no way that the guards could defeat him and his team when they were trained at harsh conditions like desert, snow mountain, jungle, safari sometimes even under the sea... 

                        "Captain! Their reinforcement have arrived!"announced his men. He did not need another word; clutching his gun tightly, he flung them both underarm and started shooting without actually any target. He was sure he got one or two people as he heard yellings behind him. He turned around, ordering,"Team A, focus on the guards, team B, concentrate on the backups!"Clutching his guns more tightly, He sent another bullet storm towards their reinforcement. Out of the blue, a shadow, or rather, someone dodged all the bullet fired by him and wassprinting towards at breakneck speed. Running out of ammo, he retreated but the man did not let him go that. Knowing that he's seconds away from dying. He moved both of his arms infront of his face, forming a X stances to minimise the damage. The shadow waved his fist towards his face, hitting his defensive stances and sent flying across the chamber. He scrambled up as quickly as he had landed here with a smirk: He lifted his leg up almost at the same time, kicking the man in the stomach, sending him flying, too.

                         "I knew you will come, Jack" said Leo.

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