Lying Is Always Easier


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Sweet Bitter Lies

 Just rip it off like a bandage and get it over with. Is what they all say. But what if I rip it and nothing is ever the same again? What if after the bandage is off its not over and done with; but worst than what it was?

Sugarcoating is never the answer. It's better to tell the truth. But the truth hurts, badly. The truth can be bare, raw and blunt, it can burn and scar us all. So we sugarcoat the bitter truth with sweet lies. There's nothing wrong with that, right? We only do it so no one will get hurt.

Yet, someone always gets hurt; someone always is unhappy. The lies, the sweet painless lies; seem to sting worst than the truth. It seems to slowly rip us of our lives, killing us day by day. And at this point you just can't win.

You tell the truth, the person gets hurt, you lie; you're unhappy with yourself, and then the truth will soon come out. So; what's the point? 

You can't win either way.

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