Other Girls


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Other Girls

Hello There Readers! It is me Isabella. This story is a link to all the girls in my life who are different to me and that think I am not like most girls. If you are a girl this is perfect for you. Love Isabella xxx


 Carvin Hood Lake 2017 2 October

Hello.. I am Beanie Laddance and well if you want to hear my story you should of checked the title. I am not like Other Girls. Some girls are Girly but some girls are Tommy. Well let's just say I'm not any of those, I think Tomboy and Girly Girl is just a stupid little story to make Girls at school think they are a Tomboy or maybe a Girly Girl. But really they don't know that they are none of those things. I'm not any of those things...

It all started when I was 8 years old, my school was Carvin Hood Lake and well let's just say it wasn't that good on my first day in Year 4. It was so confusing of how many Girls at my school were saying this to eachother "I am Girly! Not a Tomboy!" "No You Are Girly Not A Tomboy!" It was sooo annoying! And the teachers didn't mind! It was a dramatic scene like in the movies where the mean girls go up to a girl and say "EWW! You are a tomboy" I mean NOBODY IS A TOMBOY OR A GIRLY GIRL! All I am saying is if you think you are a Tomboy or a Girly Girl Stop Thinking That.. it is your own Personalities, And Your Own Choices...anyways! As I was saying literally EVERYONE was either a Tomboy or a Girly Girl. Once I made a mistake I wanted to be a Tomboy and well I did not fit that so I made my mind up to be Girly but that didn't work so I had my own personal mind.

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About Tom and Girly

Now Tomboy's are like boyish and sporty so like this. They often wear Boyish kind of clothes, they always play sports and they are lazy. And well I decided I was a Tomboy. Lazy, Sporty, Loves The Colour Blue But Never Done All Those Other Things.

Now Tomboys are Not really my type but neither are Girly Girls. Girly Girls are girls who act like they are princesses. They wear dresses, high heels, never will go near something disgusting, and well even more things. They are really..really girly

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