I Never Wanted To Disappoint Them


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 I had always been the odd one out.... 

I had always been the one to stand out....

But I was no longer going to think it was bad to stand out...

I'm going to embrace it and be the best I can at standing out....

Something was never right with me....

But maybe that was who I was meant to be well me....

New starts weren't the best thing for me...

But this year is going to be good for me...

I'm going to be proud of me....

Not be someone I'm not but be me....

I am me....

And the only person who can change that is me....

Standing out isn't a bad thing... 

Just stand out for the good thing.....

Stand out for someone or thing...

Don't be the OTT thing....

Be the just right thing...

Don't be the to hot thing....

Don't be the to ugly thing....

Be the just right thing.....

Confidence never came to me easily....

It would always go away easily....

Worry came to easily....

But never left easily.....

Happiness never came easily....

But it would leave me to easily... 

Pain came to easily....

But then never left easily....

But I pushed through quite easily....

Because all I had to be was me.....

I want people to be themselves more. Not to be OTT but to be you. You are amazing. You are wonderful. You are strong. But you can only be these things when you are you.  Don't be someone your not. 

Izzy Xx (Author) 

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