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When you live beyond the Mystery, you don't know about the Clans, and their business or technology they generate in their underground labs. That's okay, I think. If people knew about the Clans, it would cause a war. Don't get me wrong. We're just different, and people eradicate different. 


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1. Hostage rescue

I open my eyes weakly. It feels like I had some glass filings under my eyelids. Every eyewink, unnoticeable before, causes pain. And the light. It's too bright. In this whiteness I can barely see. My surrounding is very vague. The sharpness is fading. I'm about to move, but I'm not able to. My arms, and my legs - they're chained to the bed by some metal bracelets. Where am I?

"The object is about to wake up, professor" I hear a woman talking, "Its initiation was... difficult" 

"There's no place for difficulty in professionalism" a men answers.

"Yes, I know. I apologize"

"If the object will appear to be TOO DIFFICULT again, you should inject it with Auferonium, doctor"

"Of course"

The conversation ends here. Instead of words I can hear somebody's steps now. High heels meet the floor. Motion detector opens the door, and let somebody into the room I'm in. 

"I'm not gonna lose my job because of YOU!" It's that woman I heard before. She's furious. She's furious with me. I'm too weak to tell her I have nothing to do with that. So I lie still, and watch her idly. She grabs a syringe that is filled with unknown blue substance, and stabs my vein with it. It makes me feel nothing at all. 

Suddenly, somebody turns on the alarm. The doctor forgets about my existence in a seconds, and leaves hurriedly using the back door. There are screams, shots and the sound of reloaded weapon blaring from the corridor. It's not the madhouse like I used to think before. There would be no firefight allowed. I have no idea where I am or how I get in here. Somebody please, help me. 

"Check out this room! We'll keep you covered!"

That unknown blue medicine starts working in my blood system, and with it the hallucination begins. 

"I found something!"

I can see a men who hides his face under a creepy, plastic mask with the lips stitched together on it. "It's not real... It's not real... It's not real"  He unchains the metal bracelets to set me free, and helps me go out of this place. I barely can walk, I'm  trembling. When I notice all the bodies of doctors that are lying on the floor, I'm aboit to tremble even more.  They're all dead.

"You're very lucky today" the masked one says, "My boss wants you alive"

Two of his sidekicks put me into the blue porsche, and get in to ride with us. The rest of them takes their seats in the black van that is parked in the closest spot. We screech away. The masked one stops the car when we get to the suburbs, to the abandoned Chemical Plant of Blightville. We get out of the cars. The sidekicks keep me up to don't let me fall, I guess. They know I run out of steam.

"Throw her into her very own cell. She's our guest. Be nice, guys" the masked one dedicates.



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2. Dark side of the city

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