Epic Fail


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Epic fail

 Once upon a time, there were 2 witches. There names were Wendy and Polly - they were BFFs. 

One day, Polly got jealous of Wendy because she had every - thing. Her parents bought her : 3 iPads, 2 tablets, 5 computers, 10 iPhone 7S , 2 cats, 2 dogs/3 puppies, 2 rabbits and so on. Wendy was ALWAYS a goody goody. That's what Polly hated most about her. No one likes goody goodies. 

Polly had enough of it - so she decided to look in an old spell book for the ' bad luck spell '. She was going to work. She planned on going to Wendy's house and saying the spell when she was asleep at night. She couldn't wait. It was pure evil.

That night...

Polly ran to Wendy's house and said the evil spell :

         " Cabbages so green,

          Good luck is seen,

           Turn the luck into dust,

           And hope for it to never 

         Be seen!!😈

She cackled evilly and ran back home. Polly didn't feel guilty at all. She felt proud.

The next day, Wendy woke up,  fed all her animals and went downstairs for breakfast. She shouted " Muuuuuuum. What's for breakfast?" 

" You're going to have pancakes," her mum replied. 

Later that day, a knock on the door came. Wendy answered the door and saw it was Polly. Wendy told Polly to come in but she couldn't. " Oops! Sorry Polly! I forgot to of the force field. You know what it does, right?🙃🙃🙃 Polly forgot that there was a force field. She ALSO forgot it was on all night and all day!!!!!

THIS WAS AN EPIC FAIL!!☹️😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣☹️☹️😣

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