The Rising Gods Of The East


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A little piece of peace

After a nerve-racking fight Donghae had decided to go out.
 “Donghae! You are not talking to your mother like that”, Mr. Yung said in a threatening tone while Donghae was putting his shoes on in a hassle. Damn, he was annoyed and in a bad mood.
 “She’s not my mother”, he hissed in annoyance and took his black jacket from the coat rack. He squeezed his keys inside his fists and tried not to let himself fight about the subject anymore, because it was useless. His foster parents didn’t want to understand why he hated school nowadays, and why talking about that always ended up into a fight.
 “Where do you think you are going, young man?” Mr. Yung sounded angry, as in mad enough to start beating him if he stayed there any longer. The man in his forties should have definitely done something else with his life.
 “Out”, Donghae muttered barely audibly, slamming the front door behind him, when a bit cooled heat of the September day air filled his lungs. The little apartment was left behind, when Donghae marched away from it; to somewhere he could calm himself down.
 This wasn’t anything new to Donghae. It was actually a miracle if there was a day without fighting with his foster parents. He couldn’t understand why they had even adopted him and his brother in the first place over eleven years ago, after their biological parents had died in a car accident. Though the first years had been quite normal, after that everything got out of control. Mr. Yung started to drink in an increasing way, and eventually, the beating came along. Soon enough his brother started to protect him, but he couldn’t always be there for the little, almost eight years old Donghae. He couldn’t protect himself alone though; he was way too small and powerless in front of a man at least four times bigger than him.
 Mrs. Yung wasn’t ever there to help them. She always just watched and stood silently, like a ghost who didn’t have any power. But even when his husband wasn’t around, the woman had been indifferent towards his kids and done just the necessary for them.
 When he got a bit older, he started to feel guilty. He couldn’t possibly let his brother take all the shit for him. Donghae didn’t fight back much because it always made everything just worse. But his brother, Donghwa, who was five years older than Donghae, started to fight back. And it only caused more harm to him. Mr. Yung hit and slapped them both on a weekly basis; mostly in the weekends when their ‘dad’ wasn’t working and he had all the time for drinking and watching television nonstop.
 Donghae tried so hard to satisfy his new parents, but nothing was ever enough. He did his household works that were given to him, his homework from school and tried his best when they had exams in school, but there was always something to complain about, and it was the same these days too. But now his brother wasn’t there to protect him from the devil.
 Till this day he had managed with the violence, nowadays alone. He tried to stay strong, but sometimes it was a bit too much for a person like him, who wanted to be only or at least accepted as he was.

Fuck you, he thought angrily and kicked the empty beer can lying on the street. The can flew into the ditch and Donghae took his earphones and tucked them on. He opened his quite old phone for music player, knowing that his parents wouldn’t have the interest to call after him. It was only then if he was late or he had to go get something from the grocery store.
 The sky was growing darker and darker towards the night when Donghae kept walking on the streets of his concrete neighborhood. He didn’t really like the place. It was boring and ugly, but he had no other choice. Unlike his brother, he wasn’t able to get a job. If he had, he would have moved away already. Donghwa had moved out when he was seventeen, and Donghae was envious about that. If Donghwa just could still be with him here, everything would be at least a bit easier…
 Only now he did notice that he had once again walked to the cemetery. There were maple trees and other trees in green everywhere, and it was a beautiful place on a summer like this. Many graves had their flowers and candles on them, as presents to the people who had passed away. His brother was also buried there, and after his death Donghae had visited the place once in a while. The cemetery was peaceful; it didn’t give Donghae any cold shivers. It gave him a little break from the mundane life of his.
 The cemetery was his place to speak out, even if no-one was concretely there listening to him – and he didn’t actually care if Donghwa’s soul wasn’t able to hear him, but he needed it. He would sit on the grass beside the grave, and eventually let his thoughts flow freely from his thin lips. He could go on and on for hours, sometimes silent and just thinking his life, or talking about it, or just listening to music. He tried not to talk about too much about their foster parents, so Donghwa wouldn’t feel bad for him. It was childish, yeah, but he felt he had already caused so much pain to his brother.

 “I’m here again, hyung…” he started softly, pressing the pause button on his phone. Gladly there hadn’t been any rain in a long time, so the grass was pleasantly dry to sit down.
 “We had a fight again at home… Jungho wasn’t pleased with my exam results. I bet he just wanted a reason to hit me without drinking alcohol…” Donghae kept murmuring, a bit more silently this time, when he noticed some people farther away from him – at least ten graves away actually, but anyway… This time though he was giving in and talked about the incident with Mr. Yung.
 “It’s just… They think I’m just being a reckless wreck, but I’m really trying, hyung… Jungho keeps claiming that I’m lying because I’m such an ungrateful lazy-ass and I’m just avoiding studying. But I’m not! I know you know that…” The boy, who had a strawberry blonde, shoulder-length hair whimpered, and was in merge of tears. Donghae didn’t give his foster parents ever that pleasure to see him crying, so at home he always tried to stay strong. He bit his lower lip, feeling the physical pain through his skin.
 “It’s so frustrating! All of the letters and words are always messing and mixing up when I try to read… This freaking word-blindness gives me at least three times more work than normal people needs to do! And I’m trying so hard, but all I’m able to do is always screw up…” Donghae was now lying on his back on the ground, tears pouring down on his reddish cheeks, after deserving a slap from Mr. Yung, as in Jungho.
 His hyung was the only one he was able to shed his troubles. No-one else knew about his thoughts. He barely had some friends at school; therefore he wasn’t close with anyone anymore.
 Donghwa was the closest person to Donghae, even though he didn’t talk much about his own life. The older brother did his everything to give some happiness in Donghae’s life, so he always said his life was so boring, so Donghae wouldn’t want to hear about it that much.
 But the life tends to mess up with everything when you’re least expecting it.
 Two years ago his brother had left him forever.
 It was just a week away from Christmas, when two police officers showed up at their door. Donghae was at the kitchen, but he walked to the door when he heard they were from the police. It was Mr. Yung, who was the one opening the door and hearing about it first.
 “I’m sorry Mr. Yung, but we had found the body of Lee Donghwa this morning. He was shot in death. We are hoping you could come to verify the identity of the body, though we had tentatively identified him from his dental records. We are very sorry for your loss, sir. If you need anything, please give us a call.”
 It crushed the glass on Donghae’s hand and the life he had to live for months from there on.
 He was never able to go identify his brother. It was way too much for him, so he locked himself inside his room and cried for two weeks, until his foster parents demanded him to go school again. After that he felt even more miserable than before. The only one who was able to give him some light in the darkness, was now gone.
 Because he didn’t go to the morgue, he didn’t know about the details of his brother’s death and he never asked about it either. It was enough to know that Donghwa was never coming back again…

The tears had already dried on Donghae’s face when he sat up after a long time. It was already dark, and he had probably been deep in his thoughts again for a while now. He wiped his damp cheeks and sniffled, slowly getting up from the ground. The strawberry blonde turned towards the familiar grave which had three candles in front of it.
 “Thanks again, hyung… I think I’ll go now”, he exhaled silently, straightened his thin leather jacket and started to walk away.
 The cemetery had its orange lights on already and those lit the sight quite beautifully. The breeze still felt like summer, and truthfully Donghae didn’t want the season to end yet… It was more comfortable, and it made him feel better when he could see the trees painted in different hues of green while wind was blowing on the leaves. It was easier to get away from home, and from Mr. and Mrs. Yung, when he didn’t need to freeze in the winter frost.
 He was walking peacefully, his heart a bit lighter than before. It always helped to talk, even if he did all the talking. Donghae was at the other side of the cemetery, where was less graves and more trees. But suddenly some weird feeling broke his calm mind. The eighteen years old boy looked around, but couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Maybe it was nothing… Just his imagination.
 Unfortunately, it didn’t take long to see something intimidating ahead of him. Was he even seeing right? It was the cemetery’s other parking lot, where was a car, a man, and another too. They seemed to be talking, but not in a friendly way. The other one, who was slimmer and the clothes made him look younger than the other, was shoving the other person who had a trench coat and a briefcase on his hand.
 Donghae was hesitating for a good while, but in the end he decided to move behind the wooded fence where he could observe the situation better. It could have been nothing, but he already felt the cold sweat dripping down his forehead in anxiety. So it had to be something.
 Probably few minutes had passed – Donghae couldn’t really put a finger on it – when his heart jumped high up to his throat like a rock and his heartbeat started to race like crazy. His brown eyes were hammered to the sight, where the younger male, with black clothes and a hood over his head raised his hand – where he held a gun.
 Then the man aimed.
 And shoot. 
 There was blood splattering everywhere.
 Donghae was surprised how silent the gun was – or his mind was playing tricks on him because of the shock.
 The other man fell on the ground, head bumping down hard, and the blood soon staining the asphalt under him in deep red. Donghae felt nauseous, dizzy and he was feeling very ill until he was knocked out of his consciousness.
 Everything went black.


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The long night


A man with pitch-black hair tucked the gun from his pants and sighed in frustration. Everything had been going very well, until his concentration got slacked because of a text message and suddenly there was one pair of eyes too much. At least the message was quite important. But his friend – actually, his boss if we were precise – would most probably get irritated about that fact.
 He heard the shoot right then when he realized that there was someone additional at the scene; someone witnessing what was going on. And that would be bad, if this person was that kind who immediately ran into the embrace of the police forces when something out of the ordinary happened. Yesung didn’t want that – no way.
They haven’t really been on a friendly terms with the cop shop for a long time.
 What would be his options now? He couldn’t let that gooseberry escape scot-free. Should he kill that youngster who was hiding behind the fence in a belief no-one haven’t seen him? What were the pros and cons here? Yesung was the accomplice here; he was supposed to be in guard when his boss was doing the absolute necessary duties.
 That man had been stupid like a snail; he was the director of a puny company who had thought it was easy to try spoofing against the mafia. He really had thought that people weren’t that suicidal as they seemed to always be.
 In a mere second he finally decided that knocking the conscious daylights out of the boy was the best thing to do at the moment.
The body fell down with a thud in the dusk of the silent night.

 Yesung hoped he hadn’t hit too hard, because when you were hit with a gun it really hurt – he had experiences that few times. And the aftermath was like you were having a hangover. He put the gun inside his jacket and bended over to get a hold of the slack body. His boss was already ready with the task and he should probably hurry the fuck up right now.
Yesung was now in sight of his boss, who was checking on the papers inside the black, leathered briefcase. When he turned around after closing the case, his jaw dropped because of what he saw.
 “What the actual fuck, Yesung! Did you kill that—“
 “That’s not what I asked! What is this? Where did he even popped up from – and you were supposed to be on guard!” the boss, a young man on his mid-twenties snapped, and was definitely pissed off. His boss was usually called as Eunhyuk, though his real name was different. It was just a show off and a nickname from the past, remaining still.
 “Did you really kill him?” he asked in awe, looking the other man in the eyes with his own almost black and cold eyes which weren’t always easy to read. Right now he had hidden the emotions from others once again. Probably because he had just murdered a person.
 “No, I didn’t.” Yesung just stood there, his quite little hands inside the pockets of his black jacket. If Eunhyuk was hard to read, Yesung was probably even harder. He was a weird guy, smarter than you expected, but essentially he was a very kind person. People just usually tend to understand his dark aura in a wrong way.
 “So what’s your plan, genius?” Eunhyuk started to get impatient. They should have left the place already, and they both knew that.
 He kept the black hoodie over his head, covering the mop of hair which was dyed into blond. The blond color made his skin look a bit paler, and made his dark, intense eyes stand up even more. It also made him look kind of innocent, but in more like a deranged way; because he was capable of killing people and do other abnormal things too.
 He exhaled heavily and pulled off his leather gloves which were putted on just in case, and changed the weight of him from his right leg on the left one.
 “I don’t know yet. Let’s think about it on the way, we have to get out of here”, Yesung muttered quite indifferently when he walked to the side of the passenger’s seat and opened the car’s door.
 “Oh really.”
 Eunhyuk took the stolen briefcase and sat down in the black Nissan, which was just one of the cars for doing the dirty jobs. He started the engine and drove the car on to the highway, in the middle of the hundred different cars. Most of them heading home after a long day in work. But Eunhyuk’s and Yesung’s work had actually only just started.
 They had driven some miles already, when the blond managed to focus on the subject of the body on their backseat again.
 “Did he see everything?”
 “I guess.”
 “You didn’t shoot him, did you?”
Yesung wiggled on his seat.
“I just hit him on the head.”
Eunhyuk took a look on the rear mirror and saw the boy’s back of the head and the bit bloody scar on it.
 “Can you check does he have an ID?” he asked, and turned his gaze on the road again.

The sea of the passing city-lights had always fascinated Eunhyuk. The darkness was his sanctuary and the neon lights made him feel alive. He had never liked the ordinary life everyone else tried to live so badly. Once in the past he was still an innocent kid who didn’t know about the flaws in life.
 He was only fourteen though when he was pulled and enrolled into the lawless side of life. The side, which let him be what he really was. It soon became his everything.
 He loved the feeling of freedom; he loved the feeling when action made the blood boiling inside his veins; he liked the fact he was able to have fun with people; he liked that he didn’t ever have to worry about money; he loved the adrenaline boost after running for his dear life – but all that also had the side for cons. He hated to kill people; he hated to be afraid for his friends; he didn’t like the fact that any day might be his last; he was sometimes envious about the stable lives normal people had; he didn’t like the feeling of regret and guilt when he had to kill a person, who probably had some family who were waiting for their dad to come back home and to embrace them with the love he had for them.
 He couldn’t say he was happy the way he was, but he couldn’t say he was miserable either. This was the life meant for him, and he knew there was nothing else waiting for him. Way too often he found himself thinking about the things he had done, the things he would like to change, the things he had given away because of the way he lived his life.
 Sometimes the rainy days made him moody about all of that. He would sit inside his car, a jet black Lamborghini, and just stare at the different sized raindrops falling heavily to the ground making the ground shine under the dampness. He would listen to the rain drumming softly against the roof of the car. He would start the car and drive miles and miles to just be alone and clear his head, while looking at the city lights like someone else looked longingly at the stars on the velvety nighty sky.
 Eunhyuk turned the wheel and drove the car to the junction on a highway.
 Yesung had found the boy’s wallet and took the ID on his fingers, observing it closely.
 “Lee Donghae. Eighteen years old”, the raven haired said slowly, turning the card on his hands over and over. Eunhyuk just hummed. Something about the boy bothered him, but he didn’t know why. He felt it at first when he heard the name because somehow it sounded familiar. He swallowed inaudibly and looked again to the rear mirror.
 “So, what do we do with him?” Yesung continued a bit cautiously.
 “But it felt wrong to kill him.”
 “You got to be kidding me, Yesung. You kill people for your living, so it sounds very bizarre to me when you say things like that”, Eunhyuk scoffed and focused on the road, cursing slightly when a car suddenly curved in front of them.
“Why do you care?”

 “I don’t know. But there’s something about him that—“
 “Don’t start with the psychic shit, it gives me a headache.” Eunhyuk leaned his left elbow on the window frame and held his temple between his thumb and index finger, eyes focused on the road.
 “Alright – let’s think about this shit when we’ve talked with the others. We also need to tell Yunho too.”
 There was a short silence.
 “…I think he’s going to stay with us.”
 “I highly doubt that.”
 “You’ll see.”

The little room was dark, so the unconscious boy would get some sleep after that unpleasant whack on his head. The lights of the city lidded the room slightly through the square window, so the three men in the room were able to see something.
 “Is he okay, Leeteuk?”
 The man called Leeteuk observed closely the sleeping body on the narrow bed.
 “I don’t think it’s anything too severe, just a slight concussion most presumably. But I recommend you to check on him every two hours tonight”, the man said who moved the strawberry blonde bangs out of the way, then he stood up and turned to look Eunhyuk, who was standing on the doorway.
 “Why?” Eunhyuk asked. He wasn’t too interested to be woken up every two hours or staying up for the whole night.
 The other man looked at the person who he was talking to, then the boy.
 “Too hard punch on the head might cause cerebral hemorrhage – you should know about that – and that can lead to death. If he’s able to talk normally, it’s most likely just concussion. He might feel ill on the morning though.”
 “Right… Yesung, you should do that, you’re the cause of this anyway”, the blond man scoffed and looked at his fellow mafia member.
 “No can do, I have other jobs to do tonight”, Yesung said and shrugged.
 “So do I, I have to do some calls and paperwork! Leeteuk, please?”
 The man beside the bed shook his head.
 “I have to go back to Seoul for tonight”, he said apologetically. “I think you have to do this. You have some calls to do – it won’t take the whole night, right?”
 Eunhyuk cursed silently and exhaled in exasperation.
 It was going to be a long night, so he took his leave and exited the room, walking through the corridor to the other side of the house – which was actually a mansion. The two other men also left to do their own things, leaving their leader to deal with the inmate.

 After a one hell of a long phone call, Eunhyuk looked at the time on his phone; it was thirteen minutes past one at night. It meant that he have to go check on the boy soon.
 He groaned in frustration and laziness – and stood up from his leather chair, stretching his shoulders, arms and spine which felt pretty stiff right now. Mr. Yoo was always one freaking headache to make any deals with. That nitpicker just had to undergo every damn detail of the arrangement – every single time. In Eunhyuk’s opinion, Mr. Yoo should seriously retire already or he would soon have some gray hair himself.
 It didn’t take much time to walk past the other rooms. The hallway was intrinsically made as expensively as the rest of the house. Mahogany wooden floors; light sand-color painted walls; a wide mirror on the center of the hallway; grayscale graphic art on the walls– they really hadn’t spare with the interior. And it was just a one of the corridors in the whole mansion.
 Eunhyuk walked to a door in the first floor which was barely lidded at the time of the night when he was probably the only one at the house at the moment. Everyone else was at their respective duties, as like him. He just had something extra to do. He promised to himself that he was going to recall the fun to Yesung soon enough.
 The door was opened and the only thing he was able to hear was the slow, sleepy breathing from the bed in front of him, which he wasn’t seeing clearly because the room was without any lights. Eunhyuk then coughed a little, hoping that the boy would wake up easily. He didn’t though, so the older man stepped forward and squatted beside the bed, shaking the body lightly on its shoulder covered with the blanket. He shook it few times more, at the same time calling with some hoarse ‘hey’s and ‘wake up’s.
 Finally Donghae was starting to awake in this world again, but not wanting to open his eyes because his head was aching so badly. Instead he groaned and muttered something incoherent, such as; “Go away and leth-meh-sleeaph…”, which made Eunhyuk chuckle a little. This Donghae seemed to have some spirits even asleep.
 “Hey, I let you continue sleeping after you’ve answered few questions”, the blond male said and stood up, walking further away from the bed.
 “Where do you live?”
 The answer didn’t come immediately, so Eunhyuk started to think if the guy was asleep again, but he was able to answer before he went to harass his sleep again.
 Okay, fair enough. As if anyone liked to speak with anybody with the feeling you’re having the hangover of your life. At least the boy didn’t wake up too well so Eunhyuk didn’t have to deal with any panicking teenager.
 “What’s your favorite color?”
 “Blueh…” Donghae murmured barely audibly, more asleep than awake.
“How much is 2 plus 1?”
“Okay, I’ll leave so you can continue sleeping”, Eunhyuk muttered and scratched his neck because the situation was just…weird. At least the boy seemed to be still sane – and not changed into a vegetable – and as he thought more, it was actually a bit funny to harass someone when they were so blown out.
 So, Eunhyuk kept coming to wake Donghae up every few hours along the night. He drank some coffee to keep himself awake and get the other phone calls and some paperwork done before the sunrise. From Donghae he asked some simple questions – and finally at the morning, Eunhyuk was free to go to sleep too, because the boy had answered all the questions well, so he seemed to be okay. He didn’t also need to worry about Donghae more, because Leeteuk texted him that morning, telling that the youngster would probably sleep another twelve hours from that. With that information, and lots of thoughts inside his head, he went to bed and fell into a deep slumber.

 It’s just some minutes past twelve at the afternoon when Eunhyuk was already awake. He hadn’t managed to sleep more than just five hours, then waking up somewhere around eleven. He was tired, but he couldn’t sleep anymore; his mind was off to too many things that denied his ability to fall asleep.
 As like on the boy he had been checking on for the whole night. He knew he probably didn’t need to go wake him up anymore, but somehow he couldn’t let his mind rest before he was actually going there already.
 He didn’t have any idea what they were going to do with him, because he was a witness, and also only eighteen years old. His parents probably were damn worried, like normal, loving parents should be. But when he thought about this thing more, he realized that their gang actually needed more members. Would this teenager be a considerable to train for them? Would he even be approvable? Probably not if he thought about the details.
 The bed Donghae had been sleeping felt very uncomfortable when the strawberry blonde woke up. But the bigger unpleasant notice was that his head felt so freaking heavy, and he had a horrible headache. His head was spinning and he felt dazed. He didn’t remember anything from the time before he was sleeping, so finding himself in an unfamiliar bed, and room generally, was a bit shocking. Where in hell was he?
 He couldn’t even manage to get up, and truthfully he didn’t even want to. His eyes were narrowed because the light hurt his eyes and made his head aching more. But suddenly he was woken up from his spacing out when he heard a cold voice, which he couldn’t recognize.
 “I guess you’re not feeling very well yet”,  Eunhyuk said while leaning on the doorjamb. He had his hands inside his black jeans pockets’ and he was wearing a gray dress shirt, sleeves rolled and pulled up. The boy tried to open his eyes, but in the end he just let them be closed.
 “No, I’m not…” Donghae said, exhausted. He didn’t want to move a limb and at the moment he wasn’t really interested in the facts around him. Like that he was kidnapped and knocked out some half a day ago.
 Eunhyuk bit the insides of his mouth and cautiously stepped closer, sitting on edge of the bed and letting his hand to take a light grip on the boy’s head. But until he was able to do what he was going to, Donghae flincher further and his eyes were now half open.
 “W-what are you doing?”
 The older male sighed deep and raised his hand again.
 “Don’t move, I’m just checking the wound on your head.”
 Now Donghae let him take a grab of his head and turn it slightly so the man would see the scar, which had started to heal.
 “A w-wound?” Donghae was now more awake.
 “Don’t you remember?”
 “I don’t…at the moment. I’m too tired to think about it truthfully”, Donghae said and felt the exhaustion take over him again.
 Eunhyuk hummed and stood up – Leeteuk would look the wound again later and do something if it was even necessary. He walked to the little bathroom that the room had, opened a little cupboard and took a pill sheet, and filled a plastic cup with water. He came back beside the boy then.
 “Here – some painkillers”, he muttered and pressed two pills through the foil, and Donghae took them eagerly when he was able to lean on his elbow and stay upper for a little while. Eunhyuk handed the water, which was soon gone down the boy’s dry throat. The strawberry blonde barely could manage to stay up for that minute, so he decided it was better to leave him rest some more.
 “You should sleep some more, the pills are anyway going to make you feel tired”, the man said and was walking to the door already, when Donghae said silently ‘thank you’ before falling asleep almost immediately.
 Eunhyuk switched over to the living room, where was supposed to meet some of his fellow members of the Black Diamonds.

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Back to consciousness


When Donghae eventually woke up again, he felt a bit better than some hours before, but the migraine-like headache was still there. He opened his eyes slowly, facing the wall opposite of him, and then it hit him. This wasn’t a place he knew. He had never been in a place like this. He barely remembered the voices, when some men where in the room, and somewhere in the middle of his sleep he remembered talking with someone. Someone, who had a blond hair and a bit hoarse voice. He was sure he didn’t know these people he was able to remember.
 Donghae sat up and rubbed his sleepy face, trying to figure out what was this all. He sat there long minutes and tried to remember. And slowly, he started to remember why. In his mind he saw something red, blood, and a body of a man falling down. It didn’t take too long to combine the hints when he finally understood what had happened.
 If he already felt a bit better, it was immediately taken aback when the picture of a dying man repeated inside his head. Why? Why would someone kill that man? There had to be reason.
 Donghae also realized that the man with a blond hair, who had given him some painkillers and water, had been the shooter. The nausea was almost making him want to throw up because the questions filled his head so quickly. Those made him think and now he knew what he was. He was an inmate. He had been witnessing something he wasn’t supposed to see, and why would someone let him walk freely after that?
 He was a prisoner here, but what was his destiny? Was he supposed to be dead soon? This probably had something to do with criminals, so why would they keep him alive? Why wasn’t he dead already, anyway? Or was he? What was this place?
 Donghae wasn’t afraid of dead actually. He didn’t have anything important in his life; his brother was already dead and he didn’t love his foster parents or vice versa. He didn’t have any goals and he didn’t know what to do with his life. Of course there were some things he would have wanted to experience in his lifetime, but those dreams were now pointless if he was going to die soon.
 But if they had had a blueprint of killing him, why was he still alive?
 After some undescended time, Donghae noticed that the door of the room he was in, wasn’t closer or locked. Why would someone be so stupid to left it open, if he wasn’t supposed to break out? Or was it intentional?
 Donghae wasn’t even sure if he had ever in his life before thought this much about anything. His head was aching, not so badly as yesterday, but unpleasantly enough. And because he wanted some answers, he stood up, swaying a bit when he felt the daze again. He halted for a second so he was able to walk in a minute.
 Because he didn’t know what else to do, he walked towards the door and out of the room, which seemed to be even smaller than he thought in the first place. But now he had his senses back properly, so he obviously saw everything in a different light right now. He stepped out of the room, looking around if there was anything, but no, the long corridor was empty. While walking slowly onward, he took a note of how neat and pricey everything looked. It almost looked like a hotel with all the doors and details like a silvery candlestick on a little table against the wall.
 Sometimes he had to stop for a while for denying the dizziness getting bigger, but not long after he reached the bigger doorway with two open glass doors. Everything was so strange, but quite marvelous. He had never been in a house like this, which already seemed to be at least four times bigger than his own home where he had been living for the past twelve years.
 The strawberry blonde, tired looking boy found himself in a wider hall where was more rooms ahead. But before he was able to otherwise, he heard tacit noises which seemed to come somewhere from his left. His curiousness took over, so he walked to the new doorway and saw a big kitchen, and a bit familiar looking male speaking to a wireless Bluetooth on his ear. He was able to recognize some words like; ‘harbor’, ‘goods’ and ‘Hong Kong’.
 Donghae didn’t know what to do, so he stopped on his tracks and stared at the man in awe. The blond man didn’t even notice him before he turned around with a coffee cup on his hand, and halted on his steps too. The expressionless face wasn’t calming at all, because he had no idea what was coming.
 So he hastened himself to check out the big kitchen around him. The counters were beautiful walnut wood, the cabinet doors were matte-black and all the electronics chrome. Donghae really like the way the house was designed, but it was the least of his concerns right now.

 “Hey, listen. I’ll call you later today, something came up. – Yeah, alright”, the man said and hung up the call. He looked at the captured teenager and raised the coffee cup on his lips, staring at the younger questioningly – but because Donghae wasn’t able to come up with any words, he placed the cup on the kitchen island and sat down on the bar stool.
 Eunhyuk was calm, and a bit amused because the boy seemed like a deer in the headlights; shocked and not able to find any right words. The call he had wasn’t anything too important, though it was, but he was able to talk about it later. He had been a bit impatient to see this boy standing on his own legs and on his senses, able to talk about the things.
 “Are you ok?”
 Donghae had been spacing out a little while glaring at the man with the clothes on he actually remembered from the time this man had come to wake him up. The boy crossed his arms against his chest and swallowed his saliva. He was a bit nervous, and who wouldn’t have been?
 “…I guess.”
 “Headache?” The man sipped his coffee again, like this all was totally ordinary for him. Though it wasn’t.
 “Yes”, he started, but questions started to fill his head immediately when he was able to think straight again.
 “There are some pills on the cupboard, the last door on the left. Glasses are in the third from the right”, he said, perfectly calm, and waited for the boy to cautiously take what he probably craved at this moment. After Donghae had drank enough, he sat on the bar stool on the other end of the kitchen island and put his elbows on the table. He was frowning, like thinking something very hard.
 “If you’re hungry, the fridge is free for use.”
 Why was this man so freaking calm and not talking anything meaningful to him? It annoyed him, like he was a ghost. He wanted some answers.
 “What is this?” he asked, impatient.
 “What is ‘this’?” Eunhyuk asked back.
 “Don’t answer with a question; I’m pretty sure you have an idea what I’m talking about”, Donghae huffed, annoyed.
 “I’m not very sure either.”
 Donghae scoffed, but Eunhyuk almost chuckled to that. He was actually surprised how courageous the boy was with him; who he didn’t even know – and who had been one of his kidnappers.
 “What is this place? Where are we?” Donghae questioned.
 “This is one of the many houses which belong to the mafia called Shiwang. And we are in Incheon now”, Eunhyuk continued to answer plainly.
 “We’re in Incheon?!” Donghae stuttered a little. He lived in Seoul, so they had driven here when he was knocked out. His brains also registered that this was in fact something associated with criminals and illegality. Mafia was the lawless side of life.
  And when he thought about that, he had heard about Shiwang before. Usually from the newspapers or TV, where they had been talking about the crimes or murders where they were the suspects. This couldn’t be a jest.
 “T-this… Is this Shiwang’s headquarters or something…? And you… A-are you the leader?”
 “You’re on the tracks, boy. Yes, Incheon”, he muttered and partly focused on the newspaper under his gaze, “This is just one of the places, but yeah, it’s the main I guess.”
 Eunhyuk also snickered again.
 “I’m not the leader of the whole mafia, I’m just a minor evil; I have my own group and duty here, but it’s small compared to the whole business.”

 The silence that followed the conversation gave time for both of them to think. Eunhyuk didn’t know yet how much he was allowed to talk with this person, who was oblivious almost to everything about Shiwang. Even if he had talked with the boss of his, he still didn’t know what he was supposed to do with this guy, though he had gotten some instructions.
 Donghae’s eyes wandered around the room. The murderer he had seen the night before didn’t really fit to the image of this guy anymore.
 “What’s your name?” the teenager asked, observing the male’s behavior as well as he could. He didn’t get much out of him, but at the moment he was able to discern some features. This man was calm, cool and confident; he was actually quite indifferent towards Donghae, and the older obviously didn’t seem him as a threat to him. But the latter was reserved too, which was probably just a good thing while he needed to be so sure who to trust in that wicked world of his.
 “Eunhyuk”, the male said and put the white cup again down on the table. He was looking at the younger, black orbs dull but in the middle of trying to read Donghae too.
 The strawberry blonde frowned.
 “Is that your given name?”
 “No, it’s not.”
 It was annoying him how the older didn’t answer precisely to the questions. He wanted details, answers! Something that would really mean something.
 “So it’s just an alias?”
 “Kind of.”
 Donghae exhaled heavily in frustration. He wasn’t probably getting any answers from this guy at least, even if he wanted to. Something about the man made him want to dig up all the skeletons in his closet. Those black eyes and indifferent essence made him look mysterious and secretive. There was something Donghae didn’t know about the life, and this man had the answers. When he realized where his thoughts were going on, he tried to close himself from the over-pouring questions, thoughts and assumptions before the migraine would come back like a one huge wave.
 The teenager who’s strawberry blonde hair were tousled after the long sleep, remained still and glared at the man in front of him. He was annoyed, tired and curious, but Eunhyuk didn’t him a glance for a while. Until he stood up and put the coffee cup into the sink, while the boy’s eyes followed him all the way.  When the blond was on the doorway,  he made Donghae to turn around with his words, interested in what was going on.
 “Follow me.”
 And Donghae followed the man through a corridor and up to the second floor with at least ten different doors, till he had to stop before he would ram on the man ahead of him who had just stopped at the fifth door on the left. The older opened the door and stepped in, Donghae right after him.
 “I was told to show your room to you”, Eunhyuk muttered and leaned on the wall, tilting his head with an unreadable expression again. Donghae looked around, puzzled at the moment.
 “My room?”
 The man hummed.
 “Yeah. Until we know what to do with you”, Eunhyuk pointed out.
 Donghae turned sideways towards him, frowning in dubiety.
 “Am I going to die?” he blurted out, biting his lower lip in awe. At the moment he wasn’t sure did he want to actually know or not. If he knew, he could prepare himself for it, but did he want to know about his death?
 The elder’s eyes went a bit wider, though it was obviously one of the biggest things a prisoner would think about after all he went through. He wasn’t sure how to put up his words. He had been talking about this with Yesung and some others, but the only thing they knew was actually the fact that they didn’t know.
 “Uh – I…” He didn’t want to stammer, so he shut his mouth first, before trying again, “You sure are one to ask difficult questions…” he sighed, and for a moment the thought about killing Donghae seemed very out of place. “Uh, I forgot”, the man muttered and turned away, changing the subject, “Here’s some clean clothes for you. And the behind that door is a bathroom. You should take a shower and rest some more – and you know where’s the fridge if you’re hungry.” He was already walking through the door when he shouted one last thing. “Don’t even think about escaping, there are guards everywhere outside the house, so I kindly recommend you to stay out of trouble!”
 “Thanks for letting me know! Moron…” Donghae scoffed, very dissatisfied at the moment. He let himself fall on his butt on the double sized bed and let out a heavy sigh once again. This was insane. He had gotten some tiny answers for his questions – and that man dared to leave him clueless about everything – even about that if he was going to die or not!
 “For Christ’s sake…” the strawberry blonde sighed. He could just take a shower and keep continue sleeping again? At least he got some clean clothes; it didn’t matter if he got just simple grey sweatpants and a black hoodie, if he was going to stay inside the house only lord knows for how long.
 Slowly he started to look around the room, and he was actually surprised once again. It was probably supposed to be some kind of a quest room, but it was big as a little apartment and it seemed to even have some little kitchen with few cabinets, sink and probably an empty fridge. Most of the walls were painted with white, but the wall with the TV storage combination had a dark grey paint, and it looked very cool. The furniture was black, as like the comfortable looking couch. He liked it, but it was somehow obvious that it was men who lived here.
 His bed was almost three times bigger than his own bed and it was so much more comfy than the bed he had sleet the first fifteen hours. After that all he didn’t know what to expect about the bathroom, but as assumed, it almost as the size of his room back in Seoul. And a one pleasant surprise wasn’t left unnoticed either; a big bath tub.
 Donghae didn’t waste his time for only dreaming, so in the end he ended up lazing in the tub for half an hour before he was so tired he just fell on his bed his hair still damp and was asleep sooner than he was able count to thirty.
 All the questions could wait their answers a bit longer anyway.

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