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Chapter 1

I took another step in lines and looked up to the big cream coloured hospital before me. Vaccination day was always a drag, the line of people always stretched way out of the hospital and down the streets. I had been waiting for almost three hours now and I had to keep bending my legs because standing so long had made them ache. A long barrier stretched around the hospital doors manned with four armed guards. I was waiting for a trespasser to try and jump over as there was always a fight and it was the only entertainment I had whilst waiting. 

An hour had passed and I was about ten people from the door. I looked down and smiled at the tag that was held by a lanyard around my neck. As long as I had this tag I wouldn't catch the disease. A couple of minutes passed until I realised a commotion happening over at the barriers. Just what I'd been waiting for. A young man, maybe a little bit younger than me-16 or so was yelling and pushing the guards, running his fingers through his hair frantically. I have to admit, the kid had guts considering the guards all had guns and looked pretty damn terrifying. 

"Please! You have to let me in! I need it, it's for my sister not me!" The wrinkles on his forehead and look of distress he had said it all, "please she's only little!"

A small girl looking four or five emerged from behind him, tears in her eyes. This wasn't the usual fight I witnessed, this was suddenly...depressing. 

"Please I'm begging you, she's only five! I don't matter but she does and she can't catch the disease!" He ran his fingers through his hair yet again and pressed his palms into his eyes to stop the tears from flowing down his face.

An old woman standing behind me puffed air out of her mouth and muttered "riff raff" rolling her eyes and turning back to the newspaper she'd been reading for a good four hours. My ears went red at what she said and my face heated up. I swivelled round and glared at her until she finally looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"Who do you think you are? It's not their fault they can't afford the vaccinations! Don't be such a bitch." I yelled, whacking her paper from her hands and turning back around to watch the boy and girl again.

 I heard a shocked noise escaped the ladies mouth and a mutter of profanities as she bent down to pick up the news paper laying scattered on the pavement. 

He dropped to his knees, "please" he whispered, as if defeated. The little girl walked over and hugged him which made him look up with a sad smile. She then hopped on his back and he walked away with his shoulders hunched and his head hung low.

I turned away because I couldn't look anymore, my eyes were watering from what I just witnessed. I hated  the fact that if you weren't wealthy enough you could not afford the vaccinations. They were so expensive and the only reason I could afford it was because I was a family of one. My mother and father died in the early stages of the disease when it was basically unknown to us. 

Once I reached the front desk the nurse looked up at me and asked me to take off my tag with a blank expression on her face. I did as I was told like I had done every month for the past three years. 

"Please state your information" she said in a monotone voice, staring at my tag to check that what I said was correct. 

"Jessica L Shivels, eighteen years and 3 months, I have never been absent from a vaccination and I am a family of one" I stated. The last statement made my chest tighten as I still wasn't quite okay with saying it.

"Okay you're clear. Go ahead through" she said, shoving my tag bag at me and moving her eyes to the person behind me. 

I shuffled down the long, cold corridor towards the vaccination room. It was a big, empty, grey room which was filled with doctors and nurses sitting at tables, a chair to the left of them where people were to sit when getting the vaccination. I took a deep breath and walk up to a vacant chair where a nurse was waiting with a clean needle. They had done this so many times they didn't even care to comfort you anymore, they just stuck the needle in and were done with you. 

My hands shook as I sat down next to her. I hated needles, the though of them made me queasy and I always felt dizzy afterwards. Sometimes I wish I was rich so I could afford the cure. Yes we have a cure, but hardly anyone can afford it because of its extreme cost. The bank doesn't give out loans anymore because of it, they were going broke because the people getting loans weren't able to pay the money back in their lifetime. 

The nurse grabbed my arm, wrapping a band around it then proceeding to grab my wrist and jab the needle into it. I yelped and she rolled her eyes at me as she pulled it out. She stuck a small bandaid over it and told me to exit to the left of where I had entered. 

As I walked down the blindingly white corridor I began to feel dizzy as I always did and decided to stop for a bit. I walked to my left and leaned on a door that read 'vaccination medicine AUTHORISED PERSONNEL ONLY' I looked over at the handle and found it strange that there was no lock but I dismissed the thought and closed my eyes. 

My eyes shot open as the door behind me left my back and I fell onto my bottom. I looked up and saw a wide eyed boy peering down at me in shock. He looked about my age with dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. That wasn't what I noticed first though.

He wasn't a doctor, he wasn't a nurse.

He was wearing a tag like me.

He wasn't authorised to go in there. 

As I was distracted by my rushing thoughts I didn't realise that he had reached down to me and was now dragging me into the room with him. My heart began Beating against my chest hard and my breathing became unsteady. I was getting ready to scream when a large sweaty hand was clasped against my mouth and I was spun around to stare into the intense eyes of the boy who pulled me into the forbidden room. 

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