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Must be hard living on your own, Shit, must be hard to admit you need someone to love. Everything around you doesn't involve you, because you're choosing to be alone. You're sitting in a crowd to be alone but everything you're behind; the sound of laughter, happiness. The shit that's happening to you is something you don't want to go after. You're going through the worst, but you TRY to push it off. People look at you dumb and all they do is scoff. Your anxiety is getting worse and everything is getting louder. Kids around you are acting a bit powered. You tell yourself to not let others walk all over you. You tell yourself to be strong. You don't go through my pain, you don't want my heartache! You don't want to be in my shoes, my pain isn't like yours. Because, you have it easy. I go through so much for a 14 year old. My pain is over the top, and my life is at the bottom. My anxiety is telling me to go, you're ready to fucking leave like everybody else did. Your anxiety is making me numb, but the tip of your fingers are cold. Anxiety isn't something you can call your own, unless you really know how it feels like. I’m not calling you stupid, but anxiety takes over your mind. Once you know you can’t handle something, you’re out of your fucking mind. You start freaking out like the world is ending, your body is numb, and you can’t hear a word your best friend is saying to you. You’re laying in your fucking bed, bawling..over something SO little bit you don’t know what to do about it. Don’t call anxiety yours unless you know the fucking pain.

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