Horrors Of Family


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Startled by the sudden sound 

 I just wish for a normal girl’s life but

It’s not suprising 

I lay in my bed 

Here we go again

How I appreciate the peace

How I wish for the sun to calm these storms

All I hear are yells and screams

Fights happen everyday 

I try to calm them down

All i get is pushed and kicked away

I Return and sit shielded by the couch that’s station between  them and me

I can’t live like this

Eveyday it keeps getting worse and worse

I can’t let myself live this way anymore 

Then i get a thought

Maybe if I wasnt here they wouldnt argue 

Maybe if i was gone they’d stop having reasons to fight

I went to the loo and in the cabinet there they were

Silently sitting still calling out to invite me in their peacefulness

I go back and suddeny the yells grow faint

I took the pills and on the ground I lay 

They plead and beg for me to stay

But it’s too late. There’s no going back anymore

I awaken and see myself on the floor beside both my parents 

I see regret in their eyes. They want me back and want to do it right this time 

 But time was up and they realized to late 

Now they’re left with the memory they can’t fix 

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