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Making Money On eBay With Gold Slots

If you are currently selling items, even on eBay, you know the trouble of constantly trying to come up with good Gold slots. Well, now you can easily make a little money on eBay by having an auction going. For find more look here .

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The auctions you will start out with are the same as the ones you would have if you started up a listing for items. You will need to put up a few pictures and a description of what you have to sell, how much it is for, and where you got it from. Make sure you add all these things to your eBay listing as well. You do not want to have the wrong description or have a bad picture and pictures, so check over everything to make sure that you are getting everything exactly right.

With Gold Slots


Next, you will have to put up an auction. An auction usually has three levels, with the highest being the highest bidder. All you have to do to set this up is to put up a title in a particular type of item, such as "Gold Slot #1" and then you will give the description of the item.


When the time comes to put up your first listing, the highest bidder will be able to place their bid for a Gold slot. Make sure you fill in the slot description with the information you have given them. Do not add any other information that may be important to the bidding process.


Once the bidding is finished, it is up to you to mark out the description to what you want the item to sell for, as well as adding a "Want List" section to this same listing. If there is something else that you want to tell the person who is bidding on this item, then you may write this down. This will help you keep track of what you have for sale, and how much you are willing to pay for it.


When this bidding process is finished, you will have the opportunity to close the auction. In this case, you will have to list off your items on the first auction page. Do not forget to put the "Get it now" part at the bottom of the listing. This is to let the person who placed the bid know that they are able to take it from you if they want to.


When you are done with this auction, make sure you review your entire list again. This is to make sure that you have everything you need to list the items in a decent amount of time. If you need to make some more slots, then this is the perfect way to do it!

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