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Famous Novel Writer  

If you want to become a famous novel writer, understand that fame and fortune don't always follow the brave. It takes a lot more than bravery to make money and become a famous novel writer. Successful and famous novel writers have often spoken about the art of writing as a process of learning and a continuous discovery of the self. However, fame and success (in terms of money) do not necessarily come together. One of the most innovative and influential writers of the 20th century, Franz Kafka, achieved worldwide popularity posthumously. His works "The Trial" and "The Metamorphosis" are still regarded as masterpieces for their metaphysical content and innovative characters. However, like the paintings of Van Gogh, Kafka's novels achieved bestseller status only after his death.

Several other writers who had exceptional writing talents worked as ghostwriters for established writers. Or they wrote under a pen name. Though they profited monetarily from their work, not many of these writers disclosed their identities, choosing anonymity over fame. Other famous novel writers who achieved fame through their writing skills were also notorious for their addictions, extravagance, and suicidal tendencies. The mental abilities to continually create something new also eventually led several famous novel writers to mental illnesses and eventually to their death.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez, another famous novel writer, enjoyed public attention for different reasons. An acclaimed writer who popularized the style of Magical Realism in literature, and a Nobel Prize winner who wrote great works such as "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "Love in the time of Cholera," he was an outspoken critic of U.S. imperialism. Due to such radical political views, his visa applications were for a long time rejected by the U.S. immigration authorities. However, his popularity increased when President Bill Clinton finally lifted the ban. Clinton also added to his popularity by declaring that "One Hundred Years of Solitude" was his favorite novel.

Although Gabriel Garcia Marquez's case helped him gain wider recognition, there have been instances where a famous novel writer has been unable to handle his ingenious mind and the stresses of fame. Ernest Hemingway, the famous novel writer who wrote great novels such as "The Old Man and the Sea" and "The Sun Also Rises," lived with his inner demons for a long time. Finally, however, he succumbed to the internal conflicts and ended his life by shooting himself with his favorite shotgun, using his toe to pull the trigger. Whether this was a result of his fame or a preexisting condition is up for debate author.

As Oprah Winfrey says, "If you come to fame not understanding who you are, it will define who you are." So you better know what you are stepping into before it's too late. Fame can be great and help writers to influence the masses, but it can also be highly stressful. It is critical to be prepared for the changes fame will bring.

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