"The Natural Order & Balance"


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I'm Holy and I am Evil

I'm Heaven and I am Hell

I'm Life and I am Death

I'm Health and I'm Sickness

I'm Cure and I'm Disease

I'm Above and I'm Below

I'm Right and I'm Left

I'm Perfection and Imperfection

I'm the Wisest and I am the Unknowing

I'm Highest and I'm the Lowest

I'm Attraction and I'm Unattractive

I'm the Light and I am the Dark

I'm the Morning and I am the Night

I'm the Sun and I'm the Moon

I'm the Warmth and I'm the Cold

I'm the Sound and I'm the Silence

I'm Solid and I'm Hollow

I'm Internal and External

I'm Shallow and I'm Deep

I'm the Lie and I'm the Truth

I'm Visible and I'm Invisible 

I'm the (Natural Balance) of •LIFE•

`I Am God

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