The short guide to third-party verification services


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The short guide to third-party verification services

It has become inevitable for commercial businesses to partner with third-party verification companies. A lot of customer and employee data is received and entering all of that manually leads to some errors. There is a saying “To err is to human”, but to correct it is also on the human himself. Isn’t it? Making grave or even the minutest of the errors can affect the company, make it bear a huge loss financially, or may make it seem that it has earned huge profits while it has not. Moreover, it can also hamper the employee and customer experience with the company and vice versa.


However, businesses can prevent and resolve the aforementioned problems by associating with the reputed third party verification companies. They help you in checking the authenticity of the data you have, cultivate a strong sales pipeline, increase lead generation, and have a good employee retention rate and so on.


Let’s first understand what a third party verification is, its types and then the things that the service provider must promise.


What is third-party verification service?


Third party verification services is a process that involves the corroboration of customer, employee and business partners’ data. It is of great use for the companies who sell and take the order over phone or online. These services allow the businesses to check the genuineness of the information shared with them by the customers.


Major types of third-party verification services:


Employment verification services-


The service provider checks the data provided by various applicants like the employment history, background, job positions, responsibilities, education and criminal record if any.


Customer data verification-


The provider not only communicates with the customers but also analyses the data given by the customers. For instance, it checks the buyer’s billing data, email, and the shipping address.   


What must a third party verification services provider promise?


Typically, third-party verification companies use the process mentioned below to check the data. Take a look.


Custom-made call scripts:


Every business has its own way of executing things. Thus, the questions that are to be asked to the customers of a particular company would be different from the other one. So, different sort of questions are crafted for different businesses. Precise and essential questions are asked making it easy for the customers to respond to them. Basically, the information required is gathered first and then reviewed.


Assurance of security:


Latest tools and techniques are used to ensure that all the data these companies have of various businesses don’t get jumbled or leaked. The security aspect is given prime importance as if the security is assured then there is no use of delegating verification services to the provider.


Bilingual Representation:


If not multi than every verification services provider at least has agents who can talk in two different languages- English and the language of the country. For instance, Indian companies have agents who can speak English and Hindi.  This helps greatly in dealing with customers. 

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