They Searched For A City


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There has always been great controversy about who the bride of Christ in the Book of Revelation is. Some say it is the church of Jesus Christ and some say it is Israel. Others say it is all believers, while others say it is spiritual and not actual.

The question is "what does God's word say?" If we turn to Revelation 21:2 we can see the bride described quite clearly here. It is none other than the Holy City adorned as a Bride for her husband coming down from Heaven. This City, when you really look at the wording, is not a bride, but it is adorned as a bride just as a literal bride would prepare herself for that all important day on which she is presented to her groom. But for this exercise we will call the city The Bride.

What is the purpose of this city? It is first and foremost the dwelling place for God and the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a place created for all of the nations of the earth to bring their glory unto God. A place of worship and absolute light in every sense. This is the Garden of Eden restored and the place where all of God's servants shall serve him in a place without sin and darkness in the way that it was originally intended to be by God, before the fall of man. No wonder the Godhead is excited about it. If the New JERUSALEM did not come down, then there would not be complete restoration and God's very character would be in question. But in this passage of scripture the Holy Spirit keeps reiterating that "these words are faithful and true"

In verse 10 of chapter 21, we see where John is carried away in the Spirit and was shown the New JERUSALEM, the City, prepared as a bride for her husband. Notice how the scripture describes the city as coming down from Heaven? This would indicate that Heaven where God and the saints now live was not destroyed, only the heavenly bodies such as the planets and also the





earth as we now know it. These verses to the end of the chapter tell us quite a lot.

The measurements of the Holy City are given to us and also the appearance. We are told about the Twelve Gates, the Twelve Angels, the twelve precious stones and the twelve names of the Tribes of Israel.

The walls of the City had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb. The length, breadth and height of the city measure twelve thousand furlongs. The wall measured one hundred and forty- four cubits.

These things and more are the inheritance of all the saints. But there is a distinction between people groups in the Bible. God has three eternal purposes. And you may say what has this to do with the Holy City? Are not all believers in Jesus or Yeshua all equal? The answer is Yes, YES, YES! And God loves each of us equally. But God has an Eternal plan and as we know. His plans for us are always perfect.

In this Book my aim is to reveal in as much detail as possible the Eternal order of things according to what the Word of God reveals, and to give as best an explanation as I can as to reasons why I believe in what I am writing.

So, Fasten your seat belts and enjoy the ride!



Note: All of the scriptures quoted in this book are taken from the King James Version.

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Chapter 2 IN THE BEGINNING.........

From the very beginning God, or the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit have been wanting people to be called by His name. In Genesis 1:26-28 they created man and woman, blessed them and told them to multiply and subdue the earth. God made every conceivable provision for them in the Garden that He named Eden. This garden flourished and was so full of life and God's blessing was upon it. This garden was Earth as Adam and Eve knew it then. Everything was theirs and they were made for the enjoyment and companionship of God. The Bible says that Adam walked with God in the cool of the day. Genesis 3:8. Such was their relationship with God. The glory of the Lord was their covering.

How wonderful it must have been to literally walk with God on a perfect earth with no sin, sorrow or death in it. All that God wanted was for them to be obedient, because disobedience always has it's consequences. God had been protecting them in the garden. His love had no bounds, but Adam and Eve chose to listen to the twisted lie of the serpent and ignore God's word to them. They knew what God had said to them but they chose to listen to the lie. People still do this today. God said to them. "Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die."Genesis 3:3.

God instructed them that they could eat of any other tree in the garden except one. "And The Lord commanded the man, saying, Of every tree in the garden thou mayst freely eat; But the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eat thereof though shalt surely die."Genesis 2:16-17

The result of their decision was the knowledge of Good and Evil. Before this, they hadn't even realised that they were naked because everything that God had made was so natural to their spiritual eyes. But now their natural eyes were open and they saw things in a different way. Their thinking was that of a carnal man and woman because of their rebellion toward their heavenly Father. They had experienced spiritual death, later to be followed by physical death.





Their loving Heavenly Father cast them out of the Garden of Eden, the garden of perfection, and sent them to toil the land. Their offspring knew the thinking of their carnal father Adam. So down it went all through the ages even until today. Everything on the earth was imperfect, not at all how God originally made it. When God created the earth, He said it was good. Disease and natural disasters came upon the earth. Death, which had not existed before came, all as a result of sin. The earth had been cursed.

Some might say, why was God so tough on mankind? To answer that we have to look at how holy God is.

In the first place He is the creator of all things and all that He makes is perfect and Good.

It is only when people with ulterior motives grab hold of Almighty God's creation that things turn sour. He is the source of all light. All light emanates from him, both spiritual, natural and intellectual. He gets it from no one else. No man has seen the face of God and lived. He is the ultimate and perfect judge who judges in righteousness. He judges humans and angels alike, and all situations. No man has ever been His counsellor or told Him what He must do. God's kingdom is ruled in righteousness and He is the king. Sin will not be tolerated by Him, and no flesh will stand before Him. There is no one like Him.

Jehovah God is Love. He is patient, kind, long suffering, gracious and just to all. Nothing is hidden from Him. He sees all. He loves all of His creation.

The Bible says that there is no shadow of turning in Him.

John1: 3-5 says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.

In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

We were meant to live in an intimate relationship with our creator, relying on Him completely for our provision, both spiritual and physical. But Satan came





in as a serpent and put lies in Adam and Eve's head. They knew what God had said to them, but they chose to go their own way. Sin entered Eden and the world. Satan is also called the Father of Lies. Satan is the prince of this world and he will do anything to get men into his kingdom of darkness.

Satan was a beautiful angel who used to worship in the throne room of God, but he wanted to be AS God, so there was a war in heaven and he and the other angels that sided with him were cast out to the earth, never being allowed in heaven again. Now they try to get as many people as they can to follow them and eventually go to hell where all non believers go.

This is why we all need to know what the word of God says, because the enemy or Satan will lie to us.

God's word is truth.GOD IS IN THE REAL WORLD! His world and Word were here a long time before Satan was created.


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Chapter 10 IN CLOSING

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