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The death of my heart

 Mom look out no Amy you don't worry about me . But mom what if Mr. Malen comes back out oh he won't. What are you doing with my horse said Mr Malen We are taking this horse back to heart land no you can't do that that's my horse yes I can and I will Amy get in to the truck.MOM.Amy are you awake Amy's sister said in the hospital.Wheres mom no no no crying. Amy get some sleep . Amy liffed up her head and said oh oh


The next morning Amy was laying in her bed when she herd Spartan out side making a noise grandpa what is that horse doing here well I thought you and this horse had some things in common 

Well you thought wrong said Amy . Scott stop let the horse run .scott is heartlands vet. Jen and Amy went for a ride then Amy races this kid that just drove in front of Amy and Jen horses the kid said watch it when the horse sorned I want to know what kind of idiot drives infront of a horse nice to meet you to said the kid my name is Ty Amy asked what are you doing here I'm working you can't smoke here Amy said and Ty siyed and said what ever 

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