Things to Keep In Mind When Designing a Room


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Designing a Room

Designing a room can be exciting. An empty room is like a canvas waiting to be painted. It is an open invite for your imagination to work wonders and play with different ideas to find a final design that does not just make the maximum use of the space but looks utterly gorgeous while doing so. However unlike a canvas, a bad design of a room cannot be masqueraded as Art. A badly-designed room is just that, a terrible design. So here are things you should keep in mind when designing a room to ensure that you make the most use of the space while still making it look breathtakingly beautiful.

Identify the Purpose of the Room

Every room has a purpose and before you start designing you need to identify what it is. Depending on the purpose, how a room is designed will change. A room meant to be a play area for children may require you to have a window with grills to protect your child from falling off the ledge. It may also need blinds port melbourne to ensure that sunlight does not steadily stream into the room and make it too warm to be in. A bedroom may require a cosy design, with a relaxingcolour scheme and not too much furniture. A family room will require a lot of space to move freely in so that it does not feel overcrowded or claustrophobic when everyone in the family gathers there. Therefore always identify the purpose of the room before you start designing it.

Use Colours Wisely

Colours can do more than just brighten up a space, when used well, they could create the illusion of a smaller or larger space in addition to helping influence your mood. Light colours can make a room feel expansive and spacious while darker tones make a space more cosy and intimate. Furthermore certain colours like blue can make you feel more relaxed and help you sleep for longer hours while bright colours like yellow can make a place seem more energetic and livelier therefore it works very well in kitchens and dining rooms. Green like blue is relaxing but livelier and encourages warmth and togetherness making it perfect for family rooms and even bedrooms. Colours can influence so much therefore use them wisely.

Plan the Layout

Before you make any purchases, plan the overall layout of the room. You could use a graph paper if you would like and plot down how you want the room to look like. This can help you identify what furniture the room needs and how it needs to be organized to ensure that it fits your needs well. It also can save you from making unnecessary purchases that can set you back hundreds of dollars. Imagine that before you plan the layout you buy a cabinet that ends up taking too much space and makes the room look claustrophobic. You cannot just send it back after purchasing it. The better thing to do is plan the layout, mark where the items will go in your room, take measurements and then go purchase the items you need. This way you will be able to organize the room better.


If you keep in mind the above when designing the room, you will be able to make the most use of what you have and the room will not just be designed beautifully but also practically.

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