What is High-Quality Traffic and Why Does Your E-Store Need It?


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What is High-Quality Traffic and Why Does Your E-Store Need It?

Once you create an online store, your next priority would be to get people to visit the site. Creating web traffic, in other words. Unfortunately, not all web traffic is created equal. Online stores are aiming for a particular type of traffic—people who are interested in the products just enough to buy one or two. But what happens when the inbound traffic does not mainly comprise potentially paying customers? If that happens, then you have a low-quality traffic problem.

High-quality traffic, simply put, is the right type of traffic for your online store. It includes people in the targeted segment who are willing to pay for the product. High-quality traffic is not generated by just any marketing tactic. You must engage in the right type of marketing technique to prevent wayward traffic and increase the right type of traffic. Here are several tips for doing just that:

Image Source: Pexels

Identify the Target Customers

More often than not, the cause of bad traffic is the failure to identify exactly what type of customers the online store needs. SEO experts recommend considering three factors to determine the best quality customers for an ecommerce website. These are, purchasing frequency, customer retention rate, and the average value of orders placed. In other words, who makes purchases on your website, who hangs out on your website, and who makes the most purchases? Once you make this Venn diagram and see the overlapping area, then you would have identified your target customer base. Aim marketing at this group for high-quality traffic.

Research Keywords that Appeal to the Target Base

Avoid using broad keywords on the web store for two main reasons. Once, broad keywords result in tougher competition among search results. Secondly, attracting the wrong audience means higher bounce rates, which translates into even worse rankings. Therefore, do research the right types of keywords that attract the target audience. Optimize the entire website using these keywords. You may require professional help to optimise websites designed with particular types of content management systems. It’s easy enough to optimise a Wordpress website, but not for Magento. You will have to call in Magento developers Sydney for a tailor-made solution.

Create Customer Profiles

For long-term targeting purposes, create customer profiles for the target customers. Essentially, these profiles look beyond the interest in your products. For examples, a target customer profile would list what interests the customer in addition to your product. Which social media channels is this customer most likely to use and what type of promotional content does this customer most likely to click on? With this qualitative data gathering, you can start to make all marketing more targeted.

Lastly but not least, aim to advertise at the right channels. For example, if you are going to pay a blogger to promote your site, make sure the blogger reaches your target audience. Use social media channels that the target audience is most likely to use. Don’t waste money on various tactics that simply does not right the right type of audience. Use the above tips to quickly but surely increase high-quality traffic to your online store. 


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