I'm That One.


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I'm that one

 Primeval clouds of gas formed themselves into stars and we blended in to make our universe seemless. Just like our hearts teetering on the brink of a revolution we would never live to see. I was alone and then you joined me. You gave up the revolution for a featureless suspense with me. You became the defiant figure amongst the perfect people who laughed at me for having flaws. You said, "Complicated is the new cool, perfection is way too cliché now". You give me life and we give our universe its existence, so remember that anything done by half will never give whole. If you're here then be here, but if you must go then run as fast as you can because when you upset the balance of our beautiful dark world with your absence, It'll go down with a Big Bang and I'd pray to every star that you go down with it because I'm that selfish,.....because I'm that ungrateful,.....because I'm that one.

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