The Lost Owner


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 Hi, it’s Clair and this is my life of confusion,when I was 4 years old my life was complicated,because one minute I had a mother the next I didn’t so in this story I’ll tell you all about it! So one glorious day down by the coast of a place named Millbeck Cobble (a bit away from our cottage).My mother and fathers wedding day was a disaster about to happen,my dad loved my mother so much but she repaid him terribly.She had an affair,if you loved someone you wouldn’t lie about it,I wouldn’t. She confessed right on the spot and ran off with tears shedding down her face,she was gone in the sea air in seconds.

A few years passed,my dad said his tears weren’t worth her anymore,and never was.He met a wonderful lady named Susanne she was stunning! I knew from that very day,only time will tell that he made the right choice. Three amazing years went by in a shot but later that year my dad got diagnosed with lung cancer and sadly passed away the next month,me and mum was absolutely heartbroken,my dad wouldn’t want us to be upset but what do you expect when you have lost a relative,obviously tears.My dads wish was to vist his family in Spain but didn’t get to grant that wish so me and mum went on a boat there with nothing stopping us. We had a bad storm and the boat gushed open with water, see the next spoiler in a while hope your hanging!..

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