Until Now


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Grey to be seen

 Grey was the only color for me too see.

Deep, somewhere, anywhere.

Maybe, one day you will see it too.

It is there, just behind you.

Open up your eyes just now.

Deep, somewhere, anywhere.

You will just touch it.

Well, confused as if you are now.

So do I, but just try and you will see.

See only grey, grey like life.

Keep trying, you have almost reached.

Now you are filled with hope.

But poof, it just vanished.

Who knew that grey can be that mischievous!

Now you are frustrated.

Deep, somewhere, anywhere.

You are lost, aren't you.

You walk, and walk...

But maybe, one day you will see it too.

Grey should have been called life.

Grey can't be seen.

But grey can see you.

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