The influence of the social media in the 2016 US presidential election


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The Influence of Social Media in the 2016 US Presidential Election

Based on recent statistics, more than 2.65 billion individuals all across the globe make use of social media. By 2021, these numbers are expected to soar by 3.1 billion. But, back in 2016, people underestimated the impact of social networks and the potential influence they could have for the U.S. presidential election the same year.

Social mediahad a fundamental role in guiding the course of vital events preceding up to, throughout, and after the Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump election. It gave the public a close interaction with political controversies, news, or landscapes that political candidates took part in. Here is how simple social networks changed the most important event in U.S history, how that affected Trump’s success.

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The Impact of Social Networks on Voting in 2016

People could hardly predict the power social networks would have for the Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump election. The impact of social media was noticed after a survey was conducted stating that 35% of millennials relied on social media to learn about the election or anything else that was going on in Washington.

This access to knowledge was the predecessor for the outcome of the vote. Even the U.S. Senate recognized the impact of social networks by the end of the election, claiming that sharing any kind of information or disinformation affected the election. Writing an essay about social media became a huge inspiration for many aspiring writers, reporters, and content creators. Since many articles on the elections were flowing on the internet about Trump, checking out essay examples was pretty useful and can still come in handy for those looking for more information on the elections from 2016.

How Did Social Media Affect Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Election?

Social media influenced the election in many different ways, but mainly through:

Replacing the traditional news platforms

Access to information


Here is how each of these social mediafactors contributed to the outcome of the election.If you are looking to learn more about Donald Trump or you needessay examples for your next assignment about the election, these essays might come in handy. If you need to write about the way Trumphandled the election, these examples may give you the inspiration you need.

Replacing the Traditional News Platforms

Typical platforms like TV, magazines, or radio did give access to adequate information; however, people were only limited to watching that information or reading about it.

With social media, people had the power to express their point of view about Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. People also had direct access to articles and news that shared the candidate’s policy at any time of the day, making social media the go-to option.

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Access to Information

Based on research, 62% of adults in the U.S. received their news from social media. Most of them believed the articles and news that favored their choice of candidate.

Social media focuses on creating quick and easy to read information. Individuals with narrow interests find it much easier to absorb this knowledge and use it to connect with other people who share the same thoughts, stated Vincent Raynauld, a professor at Emerson College. Candidates would use these platforms to share any content, news, a video sample, to respond to the public.


For the first time in history, something as simple as an internet meme showed a major impact on voting. They were made by the community and for the community.

A typical example would be Gary Johnson, another candidate from the election. In 2016, his viral video that depicted all the negative sides of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in a comedic way gained immediate attention. When more videos were released, the Google search for Gary Johnson increased by 5,000%. By the end of July, Johnson already had a massive surge in interactions online.

In the case of Donald Trump, his unfiltered ideas and remarks kept him in the spotlight. In fact, statistic shows that 78% of all his retweets engaged the general public, making Trump the most influential person in the election.

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Before 2016, social media was considered a simple method of communication and a way to spend time. But, with the election, the impact showed otherwise. In today’s era, social media is a much more powerful tool. Therefore, future presidential candidates get used to it if they are to succeed.

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