How to Write A+ Student Essay on Brave New World


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How to Write A+ Student Essay on Brave New World

When it comes to writing a straight A+ college essay in literature, it can be solemnly stated that everything depends on the instructions provided by the teacher. Indeed, they can ask you to analyze, interpret, compare, or conduct research on a particular work, author, genre, etc. Aldous Huxley dystopian novel Brave New World represents a special challenge to those who are used to writing perfect papers. It is intricate in its meaning and structure, but what is more, it is extremely hard to analyze what Huxley might have wanted to say with it. Nonetheless, if you face such a tall order, you might need to know a couple of interesting facts about the novel that will help you eventually submit an A+ essay. So, if you are interested, this article has been written just for you!

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The Parody Context

When you start your essay about Brave New World, you might want to surprise your readers by changing their minds regarding what the novel is all about. Huxley planned to write not a dystopian novel but a parody because before 1932 – the year when the novel was published, the author enjoyed the renomé of a parodist and satirist. This will dramatically change the way your readers will perceive your essay and Huxley in general. 

It Was Planned Before 

It often happens that writers plan their greatest works long before they actually start writing them. Huxley and the Brave New World are not an exception out of the general rule. Even though you can find some essay examples on the Brave New World that might feature this information, but this is not everyone who knows that it was Crome Yellow in which Huxley has set grounding for writing Brave New World. Go right here and check it yourself that those are only the exceptional writers that know about it. All the Brave New World essay examples are full of mesmerizing information, but those are only the chosen ones that dare to dig deeper into the essence of Huxley’s vision of this world. 

Boats and San Francisco Inspired Huxley 

Aldous Huxley was on boat voyage from Singapore to the Philippines, and he had no sleep reading to the book by the one and only Henry Ford, whom Huxley later used as the prototype for the main character of the Brave New World. 

Huxley was born in Surrey, but he had a chance to visit the United States in the 1920s and he used it to the full. The city that he “liked” the most was San Francisco and especially its youth, how they were swiftly turning into an army of not humans but consumers. Namely, Huxley’s disapproval of what he saw in California has laid the basis for what he wanted to write about in his renowned novel. Here is a fun fact: regardless of how harsh of a consumerism critic Huxley used to be, he moved to Hollywood in 1937. 

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Double Check Before You Raise the Heck 

It did not take long for Huxley to actually write the novel, as he started working on it in 1931, and it was published in 1932 already. Thus, teaching thus Huxley was changing the text several times, as some literature teachers tend to do, is a complete non-sense. As you can see, Huxley has had the idea of writing this novel long before he started writing it. It was the matter of long preliminary ruminations that left the author with a ready-made text in his head. Everything he had to do was to sit down and write down his thoughts. 

Plagiarism Farm 

Not everyone knows that Aldous Huxley has had a conflict with George Orwell, who claimed that the former plagiarized Brave New World from We, a novel by Russian writer Yevgeniy Zamyatin that was published in 1923. Nowadays, the Internet is full of free essay examples on Huxley’s creative work and some of them might eventually feature this fact. 

Writing an essay in literature is not an easy task to deal with. The world of literature is so immense and limitless that almost everything you can think of can be classified as the truth. There are no discourse limits for analysis and interpretation in literature. Therefore, when it comes to writing an essay on Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, you’d better resort to talking about something outstanding. For example, discussing how all the aforementioned facts impacted his vision of the plot and gave him the very idea of the novel might be just what the readers need.

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