Why Medical Translation and Medical Interpretation Services Are Important


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Why Medical Translation and Medical Interpretation Services Are Important

Research shows that patients are more prone to misdiagnosis and wrong treatment when a language barrier exists between them and medical doctors. Studies have also revealed that most healthcare facilities do not avail qualifiedmedical interpreters and translators to patients with limited comprehension of English. Those who do provide only to a limited capacity. For this reason, organizations fail to deliver quality health care to non-English speakers. Therefore, it is imperative to advocate for the hiring of professional interpreters and translators in the medical field.

The LEP and healthcare

A trip to the hospital is already stressful enough for anyone, including proficient English speakers. Imagine how intimidated patients with limited English proficiency must feel when they have to go to the doctor. It is hence undeniably critical that patients relay their concerns to the medical practitioner in a language that they are comfortable with. Hiring qualified personnel to facilitate communication between the patient and doctor would go a long way in creating a safe environment where patients receive the health care that they deserve. Find medical translation services online at TheWordPoint to fulfill the government requirements for healthcare organizations and meet the needs of your patients. They offer medical translation and medical interpretation services to healthcare organizations to promote quality healthcare, especially for non-English speakers.

Hire professionals

It is worth noting that migration and tourism have increasingly contributed to the presence of various language speakers worldwide. While English is the most used language of communication, it is worth remembering that only a small percentage of people understand it very well. Medical terms may, therefore, be confusing to most of the population, including native English speakers. Thus, it is imperative not just to hire translators and interpreters but also professional medical translators and interpreters. Medical translation and interpretation prevents major health complications that could arise from misunderstanding between the patient and doctor as a result of language barrier. 

Translation and Interpretation, what is the difference?

English is a widely spoken language worldwide; however, certain terms are only limited to specific professions. So, this is where interpretation comes in. One may not understand some medical references and would thus require an interpreter to explain what the doctor means. Apart from interpreting medical language for patients, the interpreter is also responsible for explaining the doctor’s actions. For instance, some cultures and religions prohibit people from donating or receiving blood through transfusion. While the doctor’s job is to ensure that the patient receives medical attention, they are not responsible for demystifying cultural and religious practices. The medical interpreter thus comes in to explain to the patient the importance of these medical practices. On the other hand, medical translation is significantly beneficial to patients who cannot fully express themselves in English. In case translation is required, the patient and the interpreter thus work hand in hand to communicate with the doctor.


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