The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Episode 3 Fan Script)


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The Adventures of Indiana Jones

Episode 3: The Pendant of Jade

This episode starts with a cargo boat.

As the camera pans closer we see a lead engineer directing other sailors.

Suddenly the camera pans towards the artifact the men are transporting: The Ark of the Covenant.

“Be careful with that!”, a voice exclaims.

The ark is loaded into a cargo hold, that is closed up.

As the ship begins to move, the crate that holds the ark begins to burn.

Government officials await the boat at the next dock and they put it inside of a secure truck.

A figure departs the boat, and the camera pans to reveal Indiana Jones.

He goes to talk with the officials who stand guard.

“Can I trust you guys with this dangerous thing?”, he asks.

“Don’t worry.”, responds one of the guards, “We will have lead officials working on it.”

Indy walks off, not entirely believing what he just heard.

The screen turns to black and then the opening intro is played.


We then head to a later time(after the events at Akator)and we see a title card that says:

30 years later

We're now in a later timeline with older jones.

Jones and Marion are preparing to go out to dinner, when they receive a call.

“Dr Jones.”, says a voice, “We have a bit of a situation right now…”

“I’m kind of busy at the moment.”, says Indy, becoming agitated.

“But this involves you.”, says the voice, “The Ark of the Covenant we have in our possession is fake…”

Indy stops in his tracks, not believing what he has heard.

“Then what did your ‘top officials’ study after all these years?”, he asks.

“Well...we weren’t very honest with you Jones.”, says the voice, “We actually sent it to Area 51.”

“The warehouse that I was in a couple of months ago?”, Indy asks.

This went beyond even his expectations.

“Yes.”, says the voice, “That's why we need you to find the real one.”

“But how did it get swapped?”, he asks.

“We believe that there is a spy in our organization, Jones”, says the voice.

“I’ll be there.”, says Jones, regretfully.

“What happened?”,asks Marion.

“I have to visit my old friend, the ark, again.”, responds Indy.

He grabs his brown fedora and leather coat and heads towards Area 51, Marion following close behind.


“Ah Dr. Jones, you have joined us.”, says an official greeting them at the warehouse, “I spoke with you on the phone.”

“Just take me inside.”, says Indy annoyedly.

The official takes Indy inside the warehouse, Marion following behind.

As Indy follows the official, he becomes suspicious of him, and does not trust him.

They arrive in the main entrance, where two guards stand with the fake ark.

“An absolute replica…”, says Indy surprisedly.

He places his hand on the lid of the replica carefully.

He pulls on it, lifting it out of place, and places it on the ground.

Inside the replica was two fake stones that represent the ten commandments.

He pulls out the stones, and notices a message in the corner.

“Product 061981 of RI08”, reads the message.

Indy pulls out his phone and looks up the phrase ‘RI08’

The phone brings up an article about a fire breaking out at a warehouse for development company, Radaker Industries.

Indy and Marion get into his car, heading towards the warehouse.

Suddenly, gunshots are heard, and a car speeds past them.

An unknown figure points a gun out the car window and fires at them.

“Get down!”, Indy yells.

He grabs his pistol and shoots at the car’s tires, stopping it in place.

Indy speeds down the road, and arrives at RI08.


He enters the spot where the warehouse once stood and looks for clues.

“Was this an accident?”, asks Marion.

“I don’t think so…”, says Indy.

Suddenly Indy sees a piece of torn clothing on the ground.

The piece of clothing, he notices, is the same material as military clothing.


However, before Indy can let Marion know, he is hit from behind, and a figure looms over him.

Suddenly, he has a dream that he is being put on an airplane, and he hears voices speaking about the Sahara desert. He then realizes that this is not a dream at all…

Later, he wakes up in the middle of a desert, and sees huge digging crews.

He then notices someone in an Nazi outfit walking up to him. As the figure comes closer, he realizes that it was none other than the guard that greeted him at Warehouse 51.

“Greetings, Doctor Jones.”, says the Nazi, “you may recognize me. I am Helton.”

Indy knew the guard wasn’t trustworthy.

“What do you want?”, he asks.

“I want you to find a secret chamber for me”, responds Helton.

“Why would I do that?”, Indy asks.

“Because your wife will die if you don’t.”, he responds,”You see, I believe the Nazis died too early. I want to reawaken them by using this ultimate power!”

Helton holds up a green pendant with eyes, teeth, and a tongue sticking out.

“I found this beauty at a market long ago, but never knew it’s power until now!”, he says, “With the ark, which I have swapped for the one in the warehouse, I will control the world!”


Indy reluctantly agrees to help and tells them to start by placing the ark in the middle of the desert.

He looks around, not knowing where to start. Suddenly the sun shines onto the ark, and a laser shoots in the ground, opening a secret passage.

Indy and the ‘Nazis’ head into the passage and come to a room with a pedestal in the middle.


The ark is placed there, and Helton holds the jade pendant over the ark, which is opened carefully.

Suddenly, a beam of green energy emerges from the ark and is contained in the jade pendant. Helton smiles and aims the green pendant toward Indy, who dodges as it is fired at him.

He grabs his whip and swings at Helton, who drops the jade pendant. 

Suddenly, the energy, which could not be contained, leaves the pendant and kills Helton and the other soldiers.


Indy looks away, remembering the strategy from his experience with Belloq. 

The pendant drops to the ground, and Indy grabs it, running out into the desert as the place collapses.


We then pan to Indy's office at Barnett College. He places the pendant on his desk, and then heads out to join Marion in her car, but as they drive off, a green glow emits from the jade pendant...


The screen then cuts to black. 


(This script was inspired by Patrick Schoenmaker) 


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