Our Story


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How we met

 Clementine point of view 

Twenty one year ago 

It all started at middle school the day I fall in love with Logan Ryan and made 3 incredible friends 

You see I wasn’t always popular I always get bullied 

I walk to the locker 

I opened it 

I grab my book 

I close my locker 

I walk to the hall 

Into Maxie  who bullied me knock my book 

Watch where you going freak 

You the one who bamp to me 

Maxie look at me angrily 

Maxie push me to the locker 

Listen here you freak the only reason you this school because your daddy doesn’t love you and your mommy is a slut 

Like your mother 

Maxie  was about to slap me when 

Let go 

I look up and saw three kids 


I said her go

Maxie didn’t listen 

There one thing I hate more than people is bullied so do what he said and leave her alone 

Maxie let go of me 

Maxie walk away 

Thank you 

No problem besides she a bitch 

My name is clementine 


And this is Nikki and grant

That when I make three great friends and had a crush on Logan Ryan 

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 Clementine  is a good girl with a kind heart but don’t mess with her and her friends 

Logan is the golden boy he is loved by every girl but his heart belongs to one girl 

Nikki is the bad girl she hates  everyone in her school except for her friends 

Grant is a player he always plays with girls heart everysince he heart got breaking 

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How we me


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