The Teacher Who Stole My Heart


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Riley Cameron

 First name Riley 

Last name Cameron 

About Riley she has bad life and bad parents she always have sex with older girls to forget about her parents 

Best friends with her brother Robert and sister Rosie 

Like her siblings cooking dance drawing and music 

Dislike her parents people her other family 

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 Come Riley Mom don’t mean to hit you 

I don’t care 

I walk outside to my car and drive to the nightclub 

I went inside and sit down in bar 

I put out my fake identity and give it to the bartender 


Beer please 

The bartender give me the beer 

You like Shawn Mendes 

I look at the older girl 


Your T-shirt It has Shawn mendes in 


I look down at my T-shirt 


I  laughed 



Few minutes 

We went to the hotel room and had sex 

The next day 

I wake up and saw the girl from last night 

I walk out of bed quite and went home 

Few minutes later after getting ready for school 

I want to school 

I get my schedule 

I went to my class 

I saw my little sister coming in and my brother come in too

They both sit next to me 

I bring out my paper and draw

Than I heard the teacher and it sound familiar 

I look up and saw her 

The girl from last night and that girl is my teacher 

Oh I’m getting fack up this year 

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