Broken Home


Tablo reader up chevron


 I was born in the winter months , just as the snow what about to hit and when the coldness was going to take over the year.

Being born at home is something not many people can say, although home was not a word you could call this place of living.on the outside , yes, but a happy family home .... no.

When I was born I already had four siblings, not that I minded  they love me unconditionally and I did too.being young I  never really understood the troubles that surrounded me, the violence and miss used drugs. These surroundings that haunted me for the rest of my life.

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Chapter 1-the family home.

 My family home was rather on the small side , a three bedroom house.My room I shared with my little sister ,who was born when I was around three. 

She was beautiful , fair skin , brown eyed and stunning snowy blonde hair. I loved my sister more than anything in this world alone.

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