Who Does Her Heart Belong To?


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 Cassidy was fifteen and she was a good girl in school, but bad outside of school. She kept up her school life and kept good grades in every class. She met this boy in school and she fell hard for him. Her friends told her not to trust him or go around him cause he was trouble, but she didn't listen. She found his Instagram and texted him. He texted her back and they started talking everyday. They got together and dated for three months and broke up he had so much blackmail on her that she was trapped and couldn't do anything to help her situation. After they broke up she stayed single for 60 days and found a new guy that she started crushing on so bad. She knew he was way older but didn't care, her heart fell deep in love with him. Her sisters approved of it. He was scared to ask her or tell her anything. Although she was texting a different guy as well and she fell for him the same way. She was between them and she couldn't get out of it.

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Who does she love the most

 She found out their names were Chris and Dayshon. Chris was the guy she fell first for and Dayshon was the second one. Dayshon always texted her everyday and Chris texts her at night. Dayshon was 29 and Chris was 20, they both enjoyed her to their fullest. Cassidy was always told by Chris the first time he sees her that's when they start dating, and they called each other sometimes. Dayshon never called her, but always texted her. 

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 Dayshon was the one that kept her motivated throughout her life. He loved her so much and she knew it. He has a son(not with her though). Cassidy didn't care as long as she had him and they talked about when she moved in with him. They loved each other so much and they couldn't break away from the love.  She wanted his son to be hers so much and help raise him. She loved him and would do anything for him. Although he had a bad life,she would make his life worth living for,if he just knew how much she cared for him. She loved him to much that if he hurt her,it would make her end hers. 

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She chooses

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