The Castle of Dreams


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Little Red Riding Hood, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Peter Pan and The Boy who cried wolf, five stories you've known your whole life, but what happens when those stories come together?

Rebecca, Baylee, Casey, Peyton, Wiley, and Beckett were just your normal teenagers until they all wake up in strange places that aren't their homes. Rebecca and Wiley in a forest, Baylee and Casey in castles, Peyton on a huge island, and Beckett on a small farm. At first their only quest is to find each other, but other dangers begin to surface and its clear that the six of them have been chosen for the quest. Once they're finally together, the six friends stumble upon a Castle deep in the woods. This castle seems abandoned, but that is not at all the case. Within the castle walls, a King is planning something terrible. It's up to six teenagers who have been friends for as long as they could remember to stop the Evil Kings plans and save the world they thought they knew.

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The Weekly Sleepover

Rebecca adjusted her glasses and sat down on the beanbag chair next to her friend, Beckett. Rebecca, Beckett and their other friends were having their weekly sleepover. This week it was at Rebecca's house. The six of them had been friends for as long as Rebecca could remember. If anyone would get a prize for having the bestest of the best friends, Rebecca thought she would win. 
First there was Peyton. Peyton, she had know the longest although it hardly mattered because each of them were so close you'd think they were all siblings or at least close relatives. His messy dirty blonde hair that often had a redish tint to it hung in his face because he refused to cut it until it was as long as Casey's, which of course was ridiculous. He's afraid of growing up. None of them ever asked why. As dumb as a fear as it sounds the others understood completely because they weren't ready to grow up either. Although, Rebecca doubted Peyton would ever grow up completely anyways, He always turns everything into a joke or a game. He even started giving everyone nicknames. Strangley, they all fit their personalities. According to Peyton, He was Peter Pan and he told everyone they were to call him Pan.

Casey, was Cinderella but, they were to call her Ella. Casey had extremely long blonde hair that she always tied up in a perfect bun on top of her head and no matter how many pairs she bought no pair of shoes would fit her perfectly. She's never on time for absolutely anything and unlike most girls her age she doesn't care what she looks like. Well of course she cares, just that her outfit doesn't have to be the latest trend, is all. As long as she's comfortable she's happy.

Baylee, is Belle. There's no question about it. Baylee would read nonstop for the rest of her life if no one forced her to take a break. She's very adventurous and she has done pretty much everything from Skydiving to Shark cages. Only a bit older than Rebecca at 15 1/2 Baylee has accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. She graduated college at 14 and tutors other kids her age. When she's not tutoring, She's reading to children or working at the local bookstore where she works. It's a miracle she even has time to hang out with her friends with so much going on in her life.

Wiley was named the Wolf. But the others call him Wolfie. Wiley the Wolf practically lives outside. His shaggy black hair, strong sense of smell and keen hearing only add to the list of reasons why he was the wolf. Wiley is the oldest of all six of them but is super short at the age of 17. If his parents would let him, Wiley would move into his old treehouse just so he could always be outside where he's the most comfortable. However, for now he has to settle for camping out in the front yard all summer long except for the weekly sleepovers.

Beckett, was given the title of the Boy who cried wolf. However, Peyton decided to shorten it and call him Boohoo, mixing 'boy' and 'who' together to sound like a cry. Beckett is ironically afraid of wolves which is a fear he shares with Rebecca, whom he has also fallen deeply in love with. Rebecca has no idea he likes her, so it's hard for him to be around her alone most of the time.

And last but not least, Rebecca, was given the title of Little Red Riding Hood. They called her, Red. Rebecca's fear of wolves was alot worse than Beckett's. It took some getting used to having to call one of your best friends one of your biggest fears. Rebecca is the youngest and shortest of the group. She has black hair that falls to around her elbows and rectangular glasses. Her eyes have always been bad but they seemed to get worse day by day. Being the youngest, the others seemed overly protective of her.

"What about you, Red?" Peyton asked. "...Red? REBECCA!!" Peyton snapped his fingers in front of Rebecca's face and Rebecca snapped out of her daze. "What? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Rebecca answered swatting away Peyton's hand. Wiley snorted. "Yeah, we know. Pan called you like six times before you finally answered him." Wiley said plopping down on the floor right where he was standing.

"Well, I'm here now. What did you want?" Rebecca asked Peyton. Peyton opened his mouth to speak when the door to Rebecca's room opened. Rebecca's father stood there holding three pizzas. "Delivery!! 1 cheese, 1 peperoni, and 1 bacon." He said. Rebecca jumped to her feet and ran over to her dad and took the pizza's from him. She handed them to Baylee. "Thanks, Dad. You're the best!" Rebecca exclaimed giving her dad a hug. Her father gave her a quick hug, nodded to the others and left the room. "Hey, Pan. What did you want to ask me?" Rebecca asked walking over to her nightstand to grab plates and napkins for the pizza.

"Well, I was going to ask if you were getting hungry. But I guess I know the answer now." Peyton answered sitting down next to Wiley. Beckett sat next to him, then Casey next to Beckett and Baylee and the Pizza's next to Casey. Rebecca walked over and completed the circle by sitting in between Baylee and Wiley. "Well, let's eat. I'm starving!" Wiley said grabbing a slice of pizza and taking a huge bite, getting sauce all of his face. Everyone laughed. Rebecca handed him a plate and a napkin. "I think you really are part dog, Wolfie." She said.

Wiley took the plate and napkin, and wiped his face. "I think I am. Rawr!!" Wiley said to mainly Rebecca.

"Okay, I'm not Baylee or anything but dude, I don't think dog's or wolves make the sound 'rawr'" Beckett said grabbing a slice of pizza for himself after accepting a plate from Rebecca. Wiley rolled his eyes and swatted the air with his hand. "Oh, well." He said. Rebecca gave Casey, Baylee, and Peyton a plate and they all helped themselves to food. "So who's ready for Would you rather?" Casey asked. Everyone nodded eagerly. Would you rather was one of the activities they always did every week while they had their weekly sleepovers. "I'll go first, ummm Beckett! Would you rather come face to face with a wolf or never talk to us again?" Casey asked. Beckett stared at her for an intense moment before answering.

"Okay, obviously I'd rather come face to face with a wolf over never talking to you guys again, except I could do without you since you made me choose." Beckett said while Casey pretended to be hurt. Casey laughed. "Haha, your turn Boohoo." She said. Beckett looked around at each of them before settling on Peyton. "Pan my man, would you rather trade bodies with Baylee or Rebecca??" Beckett asked crossing his arms across his chest. Peyton looked back and forth between Baylee and Rebecca with his mouth hanging open.

"Ummm, golly-gee, Boo that's hard." Peyton said. "I love both of you, but I think I have to go with Mademoiselle Belle, because she's more like me but I wouldn't mind being Red either."

"Well, it took you long enough to answer. Your turn." Beckett replied to Peyton. Peyton cracked his knuckles. "Little Red, my dear friend. Would you rather date Wolfie or Boo?" He asked. Rebecca felt some color drain from her face as she thought about it. Of course, she loved both of them but who would she date? She had never even thought about dating them. "Oh, dear. Umm I personally don't know how well it would go if I dated something I'm terrified of, so Beckett, I guess." Rebecca said.

Wiley stared at her with wide eyes. "I'm not that scary am I??" Wiley asked. Rebecca nodded and looked away from him. "Yes, actually you are." She said trying not to laugh at the face she knew Wiley was making. Finally, Rebecca cracked a smile. "Bayleeeee, would you rather never read another book or read the worst book you've ever read for the rest of your life?" Rebecca asked. Baylee pretended to faint on Casey's shoulder. "That is a terrible question. I'd much rather read the worst book I've ever read over and over because who would I be if I didn't read?" She said.

They played for a couple more hours, each time someone asked a question it would take them forever to answer it. Eventually, all of them fell asleep happy and content, just like every other week. Except there was something a little bit different about this week.

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Through The Woods

Wiley always liked to be the first to wake up on the weekly sleepovers, mainly because he liked acting like an alarm clock that howls. But this morning when he woke up something was not right. When he woke up, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. Then, Wiley looked around and jumped to his feet. He was not in Rebecca's bedroom anymore, and the others were no where to be seen. Everywhere Wiley looked, all he could see were trees.

How could he be in a forest when he knew for a fact he fell asleep in Rebecca's bedroom?? Wiley turned around in a circle to look around the forest once more, but he tripped over his own feet and fell to the ground. Wiley groaned as he put his hands out in front of him to push himself up. He froze in place. Covered in black hair with freakishly long black nails, were his hands. Wiley pushed himself into a sitting position and stared at his hands, then he cautiously looked down at his feet which was also covered in black hair.

"What is happening?" Wiley wondered aloud feeling his face. Something was seriously wrong. Not only were his hands and feet covered in hair, but so was the rest of his body, minus his face. He had ears on top of his head pointed like a dogs, He was covered in hair, He had whiskers sprouting from his cheeks. It was almost like Wiley had become a Wolf. A wolf? Wait, if he had become a wolf did that mean his friends had become someone or something else as well? Wiley pulled himself to his feet once more. This time, He was determined to find the others. He could never forgive himself if something happened to them. Wiley racked his brain trying to rember which wolf Peyton had named him for. Was it the wolf from The Little Red Riding Hood story or The Boy Who Cried Wolf story?? Wiley couldn't remember at all, all he knew was he was the wolf. For all he knew he could be the wolf from both stories, although he would never eat his friends. Wiley was so confused. He began walking in no direction in particular, all the while hoping he was going the right way. Everytime he heard a noise, Wiley would freeze in place terrified, something or someone would jump out and eat him. Which of course was a stupid thought. If anything the creatures that were making all of the noise were running from him, the Wolf. Wiley had been walking around the forest for almost 2 hours and was just about to give up looking when something caught his eye a few yards away. A small figure in a red cloak was sprawled out on the forest floor. Wiley couldn't contain his excitement as he ran over to the person. "RED! Oh thank goodness! I was beginning to think I'd never find any of you again! Red?" Wiley exclaimed kneeling down next to his friend. Rebecca was fast asleep. Wiley reached out and shook her shoulder slightly. "Rebecca, wake up." He said softly. Rebecca groaned and opened her eyes. She sat up and looked over at Wiley, squinting at him. She reached up and took off her glasses, almost as soon as she did, though, she jumped to her feet and backed away from Wiley. Wiley looked at her confused. "Rebecca? Are you alright?" Wiley asked. Rebecca backed against a tree. "How do you know my name? W-who are you?" She asked. Wiley stood up and took a step toward her but stopped when it hit him, why she was scared of him. "Red, it's me Wiley." Wiley said. Rebecca looked closely at him. "W-Wiley? But you're're a wolf." Rebecca said. Wiley laughed. "Yeah, I know. I can see that." Wiley said holding up his hands. Wiley dropped his hands at his sides. "Hey. Why aren't you wearing your glasses??" Wiley asked. Rebecca put a hand up to her temple. "I..I don't know. I don't seem to need them though." She said stepping over to where she dropped them. "I best keep them anyways, just in case." Rebecca picked up the glasses and put them in the basket that was sitting on the ground next to the glasses and picked up the basket. While she did that Wiley looked around at the forest again. "So where are we and why are you a wolf?" Rebecca asked. Wiley shook his head. "I have no idea, why are you wearing a red cape??" Wiley asked.

For the first time since waking up Rebecca looked at what she was wearing. Sure enough there was a red cape, but also a blue dress with white short sleeves and a slightly poofy skirt, her shoes were black with small bows over where the toes are, and her hair fell around her shoulders. "I don't know. How did we get here? Where are the others? None of this makes sense!!" Rebecca said stomping her foot in frustration. Wiley scratched behind his ear. "Red. Maybe we should go look for the others, and see if they know why all this is happening." Wiley said. Rebecca walked over to him and nodded. "Good idea. Come on let's go." She said.

Wiley didn't object. He walked side by side by Rebecca for a while in silence. The two of them had no idea where they were going. All they knew to do was hope to find the others. Multiple times Wiley had wanted to say something but he couldn't bring himself to any certain topic so he said nothing. Rebecca finally broke the silence. "Hey, Wiley. Can I ask you something?" She asked. Wiley tore his gaze away from the point in the distance he had been staring at and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He looked at Rebecca. "Of course you can. I don't bite, ya know." Wiley answered. Rebecca laughed. "Are you sure about that?" She asked. Wiley pretended to think about it for a moment. "Uh..yeah, I'm pretty sure. Now what did you want to ask me?" Wiley asked her. Rebecca looked down at the ground, any trace of a smile dissappeared from her face. "Well...It's about Becke- Wait, did you hear that?" She said cutting herself off mid question to ask another. Wiley did hear it. Of course he did, he has super good hearing. One of the special things about being a wolf. Slowly, Wiley turned around to look behind him. Rebecca followed his lead and gasped. Slowly standing up, in a green shirt with darker green pants, a belt with a small knife and dirty blonde hair with a redish tint, was Peyton. "PAN!" Wiley yelled. Peyton turned around, surprised to see Wiley and Rebecca. "WOLFIE! RED! Oh thank goodness. I was terrified I'd never see you guys again." Peyton exclaimed running up to them and hugging both of them. Wiley chuckled. "Dude, I thought that exact same thing when I woke up!" Wiley exclaimed hugging Peyton back. Rebecca also hugged him but she stayed quiet. "Have you guys seen the others? I've been looking all over for them. I haven't found them or any trace of them, until just now when I fell and well here you are. And golly-gee am I glad to see you guys." Peyton said. Peyton and Wiley laughed, but Rebecca had frozen in place. When Wiley and Peyton finally stopped laughing they turned to Rebecca concerned. "Red? Is everything alright??" Peyton asked. Rebecca nodded and switched her basket to hang on her other arm. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine but I thought I heard someth-" Rebecca was cut off when a loud howl pierced the air. Rebecca jumped and dropped her basket. Wiley sniffed the air, and Peyton glanced around the forest. "Another wolf. Maybe if we follow it, it could lead us to Beckett." Wiley said. Rebecca shook her head and knelt down to pick up her basket. Inside the basket Wiley noticed, obviously Rebecca's glasses, but also a small pouch probably full of money, and a small first aidkit. That's always good to have. "No way, follow a wolf? Are you crazy?" Rebecca said standing up and crossing her arms. Wiley and Peyton exchanged glances. "But, that wolf could lead us to Beckett, and if we don't follow it, Beckett and all those poor sheep could be eaten. Come on, Red, do it for Boo!!" Peyton exclaimed. Rebecca looked very uncomfortable with the thought of following a wolf. However, she finally gave in. "Ughh, fine. But only because I don't want Beckett to get eaten." She said. Peyton and Wiley knew not to say anything else on the subject and so with that Wiley led the way sniffing with his nose following the wolf at a safe distance.

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Princes, Castles and Gowns

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The Sheep on the Hill

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Books, Books, and more Books

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The Rescue Mission

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Following the Wolf's Tail

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Together Again

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The Castle of Dreams

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King Timothy

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The Hidden Room

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Discovering the Past

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Back to the Castle

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