Lost In Time


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Chapter 1


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Chapter 1

 April POV

We were all aboard the Fugitoid’s ship, the Ulixes. Everyone stared out the windshield at what was once our home, in confusion and sorrow. “What just happened?!” Casey exclaimed. Everyone was in a state of shock, I was as well. Nothing can explain how I felt. My dad..Splinter...everything and everyone. “Holy pepperoni..” Mikey uttered in pure disbelief. The Professor stood behind him, holding a cup of hot chocolate. Mikey turned around. “Watching your entire world disappear into the singularity of a black hole is rather distressing,” He said, making some bleep bloop noise before speaking again. “May I offer you some hot chocolate?” He asked, Mikey. He took it, his eyes wide as everyone looked at the robot in front of them. “Dude, who are you?” Mikey asked. The robot stood up and introduced himself. “My name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt, and you my dear friends, are about to embark on a wondrous adventure!” He said while a happy look appeared on his eye-screens. “Sounds exciting,” Raph muttered. Everyone in the ship was numb of any emotion, temporarily at least. Everyone was so tensed up and seemingly guarded. I just let myself loose, now able to relax knowing we were out of danger. The Professor hopped into the main control station, a sort of wall coming up and surrounding everything except for his head. “Hold on to something!” He warned as there was a rough jerk as we suddenly seemed to time travel back in time. “THIS IS SO NOT COOL BRROOS!” Mikey yelled. When it was over, everyone looked out in awe, seeing the Earth in all of its former glory with the moon orbiting it. “Beautiful..” Donnie muttered as everyone looked outside. “We went back in time?” Leo asked. “Around 6 months based on the moons location,” Donnie replied. “Correct, we will have these 6 months to find the pieces of the black hole generator and destroy them,” Fugitoid said. “Okay...this is going to be so cool!” Casey exclaimed. I sighed, rolling my eyes. Everyone was currently sitting back and relaxing after we hyper-jumped somewhere else in the cosmos. We were no longer in our home stellar system. I walked up to the windshield while everyone else was in the ship doing whatever. I glanced out the windshield, seeing nothing but the vast space around us. It was like a huge, never ending ocean. 

Mystery Girl’s POV

I was stuck in space, stranded. I was looking frantically for some spaceship to hop onto to hijack into some next galaxy or something. Luckily, my species could breathe in space. We were one of the only species and races that could. I glanced around the open space, when I see a beautiful white space ship heading toward me. At the last second, I use my powers to attach myself to its underbelly. I used my magic to also cut a hole in the underbelly of the ship, climbing through it until I entered the engine room. I saw the engine feeds and the core. Unfortunately, the hole caused an alarm to blare, and I heard footsteps rapidly approaching. I quickly hid under a table and used my powers to camouflage myself, an advantage of being a race of creatures called, Rhadosidians. I saw 2 pairs of feet, that looked like mutant turtles, And 1 pair of feet that looked human, and another pair that were robotic. I heard them talking, but it was muffled so I couldn’t understand them. Once they left, I made my way up to the bridge quietly, where I saw only the robot. Everyone else was out wandering around the ship doing something. I needed to hijack this ship, it’s too valuable and I’m in desperation. At this point, I did not care if I hurt anyone. A blaster formed where my hand usually was, and shot the robot in the back. It stumbled forward, yelping in surprise and pain before it fell over, likely offline. I grabbed the robot, taking him to a nearby closet and tying him up before heading over to the controls. I hoped I could fly this thing, it was overly complex and advanced. Pressing a button, I watched as the ship turned directions, heading toward the galaxy I wanted to go to. I made sure the computer set course for a specific planet in that galaxy, before heading off to find a hiding place. I noticed a small closet, opening it just as I heard human feet shuffling my way, but I made a horrible choice because soon it was opened, and I heard the terrifying shriek of the girl standing before me. I growled, not wanted attention driven to me, so I blasted her straight in the chest. I got up and ran, hearing someone scream the girl’s name. Then, everything went black, and I knew I was done for.

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Chapter 2

Leo’s POV

I entered the hallway having heard April scream. The ship was awkwardly empty and I usually found the Professor hanging out in the bridge. Donnie had came in with me to help  me. I rounded the corner and came to April laying on the floor, blood covering her chest. “Oh god..” I muttered silently as I knelt down beside the stricken girl, placing 2 fingers on her neck as I felt the familiar pulsing in her neck, proving she was alive. Donnie was wide-eyed. “Donnie, go find the Professor!” I exclaimed, glaring at Donnie. He nodded as he ran off, leaving me to make sure April was alright. I found something to stun the bleeding, for now. 

Donnie’s POV

I did as Leo directed, running to search for the Professor. The first place I checked was the bridge, where the Professor was like 90 percent of the time. I then checked the engine room, glancing around to see no sign of him, or anyone, except for the patched up hole. I ran back up to the corridors of the Ulixes, and spotted a girl with gold-colored hair throw a hood over her head. “Stop!” I yelled as I ran after her. I saw her turn around, noticing her bright blue eyes staring back at me before she turned and bolted off. I got out a bat, yes, you heard me. When I got close enough, I swung and knocked her out. I then took her and threw her into one of the holding cells. I locked the cell and headed back up to the same hallway I saw her in, noticing a closet. “Professor?” I asked, turning the knob to the door slowly to see the Professor struggling to get out of the ties. “Professor! Oh my god, what happened?” I asked, helping him untie himself before I noticed a damaged area on his back. “I’m not quite sure, actually,” the Professor replied. “Looks like something—more like someone, shot you,” I muttered, placing my hand on Fugitoid’s back. “Oh dear,” the Professor muttered in reply. “Here, I’ll help you up and I’ll get you repaired later once you tend to April, at least get her stable..” I said with desperation in my voice. I helped the Professor get up, the damage limiting some of his movements. “Tend to April? What happened?” Fugitoid asked in concern. “Well, long story short, she was shot, in the chest,” I replied. “Oh dear..” I heard the Professor mutter. We both headed over to where Leo was, and I noticed the Professor looked surprised. “Guys!” Leo exclaimed when he saw us. “How is she..?” I asked, kneeling down next to Fugitoid. “I don’t know..I managed to slow her bleeding, but she lost some blood,”Leo replied as the Professor hovered his hands over her, managing to stop the bleeding after a couple of minutes. “I found someone in the ship,” I blurted out, causing Leo and Fugitoid to turn to me. “What?” Leo asked. “She must of been the one that made the hole and got in and attacked you and April,” I said, motioning to Fugitoid and April. “But the shields are impossible to just ‘cut through,’” the Professor replied, looking as surprised as Leo. “She didn’t look human..” I muttered. “Well, what did she look like? And we need to catch her,” Leo asked. “She had bright blue eyes, and gold colored hair. I also took care of her, she’s in the holding cell. Though I guess there was a bit of a struggle,” I replied, revealing a gash in my arm. “Oh my-“ the Professor muttered, inspecting the gash on my arm. While Fugitoid hovered his glowing hands over the gash, I continued to talk. “Her eyes even glowed when she turned to me, perhaps she had magic?” I suggested. “It’s not entirely impossible, I suppose. If you say she didn’t look human,” the Professor replied, finishing up my arm, which made it feel much better. “Thanks, Professor,” I said as I turned back to Leo. Soon, April’s bleeding had stopped, but the Professor couldn’t do much more with the damage to his back. Leo carried April to the infirmary. I helped the Professor get to his feet, I could tell the longer he went without repairs, the more limitability he had to his movements. “How are you holding up, Professor?” I asked as we made our way to the engine room. “Still quite well, I suppose, though it is getting harder to move my legs...” the Professor replied with worry. I noticed he was barely moving his legs, which technically meant I was half carrying him. “Don’t worry, once I repair you, you’ll be good as—AAHH!”  I screamed as I felt myself being electrocuted, I fell to the ground. I turned my head seeing the Professor kneel next to me. “Oh dear..! Are you alright, Donatello?” The Professor asked as he looked at me in concern. “I-I think so...w-What was that?” I asked, groaning as I turned myself over, getting to my knees, but my knees just gave out on me as the Professor caught me before I hit the ground again. “I have no idea, and you should rest. I believe I’ll be fine until then,” Fugitoid replied as he propped me up against the wall. “Thanks Prof-WAIT A SECOND-“ I exclaimed as I suddenly jumped to my feet, surprising the Professor. “Sudden motivation, come on,” I said as I pulled a surprised Fugitoid to his feet and brought him to the engine room. I made the repairs to his back, and eventually finished. The Professor sat up, moving his legs back and forth. “Much better! Now let’s go check on Leonardo and inform your brothers on what has transpired,” the Professor said happily.

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