Bubble map


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Drawing Breath

"Do you know how many trees you are killing with your drawings Dylan? The same thing, over and over. Why don't you draw something lovely? Think of all the animals you like. Dylan, why don't you draw a dog, or even a raptor? These empty bubbles are just wasting paper." 

"We have to draw our weekend. This is mine. Bubbles. It is the same for all my friends.Someone will have to connect the dots, but it won't be us. because we are too young. That is what you always say."

"Dylan, go out and play. I will call you in for tea. You are getting on my nerves. Really, son, you are making me nervous."

"Nope, this has to be done, we all have to do it. I need more paper. This is Africa, now I need to draw Asia."

"Stop messing around.  Very nice bubbles. Very clever. Nice shading and everything, they look like they could pop. But Dylan, what is the point?"

"The point is, they will pop. Today. at school. twenty five bubbles went pop. The school went pop, and we will go pop. It is a matter of time. You do understand that we are as fragile as soap bubbles? We are exposed. Every bubble, every chance to save us goes 'Pop'. Look, the whole of  year 5. This is what we did today."

"Dylan, Do you expect me to believe that your entire class, weeks away from your GCSE, have nothing better to do than draw bubbles? "

"The bubble is the key. Fragile. Transparent. Irrelevant and unobtrusive. What more can you ask of life. This is the map. This is the Bubble Map.




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