Chemistry essay topics


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Часть 1

The essay in English is a kind of creative work that has an arbitrary composition and reveals the author's opinion on this or that problem of a social, cultural or historical plan. This is not an essay on English, an article, an abstract or some other work of a creative genre. The essay proudly occupies a separate hole in the world of journalism. Let's compare it with an article, an essay on English and an chemistry essay. To better understand what an essay is and why it can not be called an article, an abstract, etc.

The essay is very similar to composition-reasoning, however, the main difference between these genres in writing essays is that the essay in English always has a conclusion, and the essay only prompts the reader to reflect and make his own. In the essay, the author only discusses, raises current topics, but does not draw a final conclusion, in contrast to the work. The article is really very similar to the essay, because there is no specific structure, there is an actual topic. However, the article is a work of journalism, as opposed to an essay. It is this factor that makes the article the only and unique journalistic genre in the world.And so that you do not have the slightest desire to compare the essay with the abstract, let's consider the latest differences. First of all, the abstract is larger in volume - about 5 pages, while the essay takes up more than 1.5 - 2 pages. Also, in the essay the narrative is on behalf of the author, and the abstract is a report on a clearly defined topic.



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